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General Topology Notes

Date: 2023/12/03
Last Updated: 2023-12-03T01:22:17.000Z
Categories: Notes, Math
Tags: Math, Topology, General Topology
Read Time: 35 minutes

0.1 Contents

1 Topology Spaces and Continuous Function

This is a note for general topology. The main reference is Topology.

The note is written in Pandoc Markdown.

My GitHub repository for this note.

1.1 Basic Definition of Topology

::: {#def:Topology .definition} Definition 1.1 (topology). A topology on a set X\mathbb{X} is a collection T\mathbb{T} of subsets of X\mathbb{X} having the following properties:

  • \emptyset and X\mathbb{X} are in T\mathbb{T}

  • The union of the elements of any sub collection of T\mathbb{T} is in T\mathbb{T}

  • The intersection of the elements of any finite sub collection of T\mathbb{T} is in T\mathbb{T} :::

::: {#def:TopologySpace .definition} Definition 1.2 (topology space). A topological space is a set X\mathbb{X} for which a topology T\mathbb{T} has been specified. :::

::: {#def:OpenSet .definition} Definition 1.3 (open set). A open set U\mathbb{U} is a subset of X\mathbb{X} that belongs to a topology T\mathbb{T} of X\mathbb{X}. :::

::: {#def:OpenSets .definition} Definition 1.4 (open sets). A topology can also be called a open sets :::

::: {#def:DiscreteTopology .definition} Definition 1.5 (discrete topology). The set of all subsets of a set X\mathbb{X} formed a topology called discrete topology :::

::: {#def:TrivialTopology .definition} Definition 1.6 (trivial topology). The set consisting the set X\mathbb{X} and \emptyset only formed a topology of X\mathbb{X} called trivial topology :::

::: {#def:FiniteComplementTopology .definition} Definition 1.7 (finite complement topology). Let X\mathbb{X} be a set. Let Tf\mathbb{T}_{\mathit{f}} be the collection of all subsets U\mathbb{U} of X\mathbb{X} such that XU\mathbb{X} - \mathbb{U} either if a finite 1 of is all of X\mathbb{X}. Then Tf\mathbb{T}_{\mathit{f}} is a topology on X\mathbb{X}, called the finite complement topology. :::

::: {#def:Comparable .definition} Definition 1.8 (finer, larger, strictly finer, strictly larger, coarser, smaller, strictly coarser, strictly smaller, comparable). Let T\mathbb{T} and T\mathbb{T'} be two topology on a given set X\mathbb{X}. If T\mathbb{T} is a subset of T\mathbb{T'}, we say that T\mathbb{T'} is finer or larger than T\mathbb{T}. If T\mathbb{T} is a proper subset of T\mathbb{T'}, we say that T\mathbb{T'} is strictly finer or strictly larger than T\mathbb{T}. We also say that T\mathbb{T} is coarser or smaller or strictly coarser or strictly smaller than T\mathbb{T'}. We say that T\mathbb{T} and T\mathbb{T'} is comparable if either T\mathbb{T} is a subset of T\mathbb{T'} or T\mathbb{T'} is a subset of T\mathbb{T}. :::

1.2 Basis for a Topology

::: {#def:Basis .definition} Definition 1.9 (basis). If X\mathbb{X} is a set, a basis for a topology on X\mathbb{X} is a collection B\mathbb{B} of subsets of X\mathbb{X} (called basis elements) such that:

  • For each xXx \in \mathbb{X}, there is at least one basis element BB containing xx

  • If xx belongs to the intersection of two basis elements B1B_{1} and B2B_{2}, then there is another element xB3Bx \in B_{3} \in \mathbb{B} such that B3B1B2B_{3} \subseteq B_{1} \cap B_{2} :::

::: {#def:TopologyGeneratedByBasis .definition} Definition 1.10 (topology generated by basis). Let B\mathbb{B} be a basis on X\mathbb{X} . Let U\mathbb{U} be a set containing all subsets UU of X\mathbb{X} such that for each element xUx \in U, there is BBB \in \mathbb{B} that xBUx \in B \subseteq U. Such U\mathbb{U} formed a topology on X\mathbb{X} , called topology T\mathbb{T} generated by B\mathbb{B} :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.1. Let X\mathbb{X} be a set. Let B\mathbb{B} be a basis for a topology T\mathbb{T} on X\mathbb{X} . Then T\mathbb{T} equals to the set of all possible unions of elements of B\mathbb{B} . :::

::: proof Proof. Let set U\mathbb{U} be the set of all possible unions of elements of B\mathbb{B} . For any UUU \in \mathbb{U}. U=BU = \cup B 2 for some BBB \in \mathbb{B}. Thus, for every xUx \in U, there exist a BBB' \in \mathbb{B} that xBUx \in B' \subseteq U. Thus, UTU \in \mathbb{T}.

Conversely, for any UTU \in \mathbb{T}. For any xUx \in U, let xBxUx \in B_{x} \in U. Then, U=xUBxU = \cup_{x \in U}B_{x}. Thus, UUU \in \mathbb{U}.

Therefore, U\mathbb{U} equals to T\mathbb{T} . ◻ :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.2. 3 Let X\mathbb{X} be a topological space. Suppose that C\mathbb{C} is a collection of open sets of X\mathbb{X} such that for each open set UU of X\mathbb{X} and each xUx \in U, there is an element CCC \in \mathbb{C} such that xCCx \in C \subseteq C. Then C\mathbb{C} is a basis for the topology of X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.3. 4 Let B\mathbb{B} and B\mathbb{B'} be basis for the topologies T\mathbb{T} and T\mathbb{T'} , respectively, on X\mathbb{X} . Then the following are equivalent:

  • T\mathbb{T'} is finer than T\mathbb{T}

  • For each xXx \in \mathbb{X} and each basis element BBB \in \mathbb{B} containing X, there is a basis element BBB' \in \mathbb{B'} such that xBBx \in B' \subseteq B. :::

::: {#def:StandardTopologyOnTheRealLine .definition} Definition 1.11 (standard topology on the real line). Let be B={BB={xa<x<b},a<b,aR,bR}\mathbb{B} = \{ B | B = \{ x | a < x < b \}, a < b, a \in \mathbb{R}, b \in \mathbb{R} \}. B\mathbb{B} formed a basis on real line. The topology generated by B\mathbb{B} is called the standard topology on the real line 5 . :::

::: {#def:LowerLimitTopologyOnTheRealLine .definition} Definition 1.12 (lower limit topology on the real line). Let be B={BB={xax<b},a<b,aR,bR}\mathbb{B} = \{ B | B = \{ x | a \le x < b \}, a < b, a \in \mathbb{R}, b \in \mathbb{R} \}. B\mathbb{B} formed a basis on real line. The topology generated by B\mathbb{B} is called the lower limit topology on the real line. When R\mathbb{R} is given this topology,we denote it by Rl\mathbb{R}_{l}. :::

::: {#def:KTopologyOnTheRealLine .definition} Definition 1.13 (K-topology on the real line). Let be B={BB={xa<x<b},a<b,aR,bR}\mathbb{B} = \{ B | B = \{ x | a < x < b \}, a < b, a \in \mathbb{R}, b \in \mathbb{R} \}. Let K={xx=1n,nZ+}K = \{ x | x = \frac{1}{n}, n \in \mathbb{Z_{+}} \}. B{BKBB}\mathbb{B} \cup \{ B - K | B \in \mathbb{B} \} formed a basis on real line. The topology generated by B\mathbb{B} is called the K-topology on the real line. When R\mathbb{R} is given this topology,we denote it by RK\mathbb{R_{K}}. :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.4. 6 The topologies Rl\mathbb{R}_{l} and RK\mathbb{R_{K}} is strictly finer than the standard topology on R\mathbb{R} . :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.5. The topologies of Rl\mathbb{R}_{l} and RK\mathbb{R_{K}} is not comparable. :::

::: proof Proof. Let Tl\mathbb{T}_{l} and TK\mathbb{T_{K}} be topologies of Rl\mathbb{R}_{l} and RK\mathbb{R_{K}} respectively. Let K={xx=1n,nZ+}K = \{ x | x = \frac{1}{n}, n \in \mathbb{Z_{+}} \}.

We first proof that Tl\mathbb{T}_{l} is not finer than TK\mathbb{T_{K}} . Let U={x1<x<1}K,x=0U = \{ x | -1 < x < 1 \} - K, x = 0. If there exist B={xax<b}TlB = \{ x | a \le x < b \} \in \mathbb{T}_{l} such that xBUx \in B \subseteq U, then 0<b<10 < b < 1. Thus, there exist nZ+n \in \mathbb{Z_{+}} that 0<1n<b0 < \frac{1}{n} < b. Thus BB is not a subset of UU.

Then we proof that TK\mathbb{T_{K}} is not finer than Tl\mathbb{T}_{l}. Let U={xax<b}U' = \{ x | a' \le x < b' \}. If there exist B={xa<x<b}or{xa<x<b}KB' = \{ x | a'' < x < b'' \} or \{ x | a'' < x < b'' \} - K such that aBU{a'} \in B \subseteq U. Thus a<a<ba'' < a < b''. Thus there exist cc that a<x<a,xB,xUa'' < x < a, x \in B ,x \notin U'. Thus BUB' \nsubseteq U'.

Thus the topologies of Rl\mathbb{R}_{l} and RK\mathbb{R_{K}} is not comparable. ◻ :::

::: {#def:Subbasis .definition} Definition 1.14 (subbasis). A subbasis S\mathbb{S} for a topology on X\mathbb{X} is a collection of subsets of X\mathbb{X} whose union equals X\mathbb{X} . The topology generated by the subbasis S\mathbb{S} is defined to be the collection T\mathbb{T} 7 of all unions of finite intersections of elements of S\mathbb{S} . :::

1.2.1 Exercise

  1. Show that if A\mathbb{A} is a basis for a topology on X\mathbb{X} , then the topology generated by A\mathbb{A} equals the intersection of all topologies on X\mathbb{X} that contain A\mathbb{A} . Prove the same if A\mathbb{A} is a subbasis.

    ::: proof Proof. As a subbasis is also a basis, we will directly prove the case of subbasis here.

    Let S={Tα}\mathbb{S} = \{ \mathbb{T}_{\alpha} \} be set contain all the topologies that contain A\mathbb{A} . Let T\mathbb{T} be the topology that A\mathbb{A} generated. Let T=Tα\displaystyle \mathbb{T}' = \cap\mathbb{T}_{\alpha}.8

    First, ATα\mathbb{A} \subseteq \mathbb{T}_{\alpha}. Thus, TTα\mathbb{T} \subseteq \mathbb{T}_{\alpha}. Thus, TT\mathbb{T} \subseteq \mathbb{T}'.

    Also, AT\mathbb{A} \subseteq \mathbb{T}. Thus, TS\mathbb{T} \in \mathbb{S}. Thus, TT\mathbb{T}' \subseteq \mathbb{T}.

    Thus, T=T\mathbb{T} = \mathbb{T}' ◻ :::

1.3 The Order Topology

::: {#def:Interval .definition} Definition 1.15 (interval). Let X\mathbb{X} is a set having a simple order relation <<. Given elements aa and bb of X\mathbb{X} such that a<ba < b, there are four subsets of X\mathbb{X} that are called intervals determined by aa and bb:

  • (a,b)={xa<x<b}(a,b) = \{ x | a < x < b \}

  • (a,b]={xa<xb}(a,b] = \{ x | a < x \le b \}

  • [a,b)={xax<b}[a,b) = \{ x | a \le x < b \}

  • [a,b]={xaxb}[a,b] = \{ x | a \le x \le b \}

(a,b)(a,b) is called an open interval on X\mathbb{X} . [a,b][a,b] is called an closed interval on X\mathbb{X} . (a,b](a,b] and [a,b)[a,b) is called half-open intervals. :::

::: {#def:OrderTopology .definition} Definition 1.16 (order topology). 9 Let X\mathbb{X} be a set with a simple order relation; assume X\mathbb{X} has more than one element. Let B\mathbb{B} be the collection of all sets of the following types:

  • All open intervals (a,b)(a,b) in X\mathbb{X} .

  • All intervals of the form [a0,b)[a_{0},b), where a0a_0 is the smallest element(if exist) of X\mathbb{X} .

  • All intervals of the form (a,b0](a,b_{0}], where b0b_0 is the largest element(if exist) of X\mathbb{X} .

The collection B\mathbb{B} formed a basis for a topology on X\mathbb{X} , which is called the order topology. :::

::: {#def:Ray .definition} Definition 1.17 (ray). 1011 If X\mathbb{X} is an ordered set, and aa is an element of X\mathbb{X} , there are four subsets of X\mathbb{X} that are called rays determined by aa:

  • (a,+)={xx>a}(a,+\infty) = \{ x | x > a \}

  • (,a)={xx<a}(-\infty,a) = \{ x | x < a \}

  • [a,+)={xxa}[a,+\infty) = \{ x | x \ge a \}

  • (,a]={xxa}(-\infty,a] = \{ x | x \le a \}

(a,+)(a,+\infty) and (,a)(-\infty,a) are called open rays. [a,+)[a,+\infty) and (,a](-\infty,a] are called closed rays. :::

1.4 The Product Topology

::: {#def:ProductTopology .definition} Definition 1.18 (product topology). Let X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} be topological spaces. The product topology on X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} having a basis B\mathbb{B} containing all sets of the form U×VU \times V, where UU and VV is open sets of X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} respectively. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.1. 12 If B\mathbb{B} and C\mathbb{C} is basis for the topology of X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} respectively, then the collection D={B×CBBandCC}\mathbb{D} = \{ B \times C | B \in \mathbb{B} and C \in \mathbb{C} \} is a basis for the topology of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} :::

::: {#def:Projection .definition} Definition 1.19 (projection). Let π1:X×YX\pi_{1}: \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{X} be defined by the equation: π1(x,y)=x\pi_{1}(x,y) = x

Let π2:X×YY\pi_{2}: \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} be defined by the equation: π1(x,y)=y\pi_{1}(x,y) = y

The maps π1\pi_{1} and π2\pi_{2} are called the projections of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} onto its first and second factors, respectively. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.2. 13 The collection S={π11(U)UopeninX}{π21(V)VopeninY}\mathbb{S} = \{ \pi_{1}^{-1}(U) | U open in \mathbb{X} \} \cup \{ \pi_{2}^{-1}(V) | V open in \mathbb{Y} \} is a subbasis for the product topology on X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y}. :::

::: {#def:BoxTopology .definition} Definition 1.20 (box topology). Let, X=X1×X2××XnorX1×X2×\mathbb{X} = \mathbb{X}_{1} \times \mathbb{X}_{2} \times \dots \times \mathbb{X}_{n} \text{or} \mathbb{X}_{1} \times \mathbb{X}_{2} \times \dots

In the first case, all the sets of the form U1××UnU_{1} \times \dots \times U_{n} where UiU_{i} is a open set of Xi\mathbb{X}_{i} form a basis.

In the second case, all the sets of the form U1×U2×U_{1} \times U_{2} \times \dots where UiU_{i} is a open set of Xi\mathbb{X}_{i} also form a basis.

Topology defined in this way was called a box topology. :::

::: {#def:ProjectionMapping .definition} Definition 1.21 (product topology). []{#def:ProductTopologyInfinite label="def:ProductTopologyInfinite"}14 Let, X=X1×X2××XnorX1×X2×\mathbb{X} = \mathbb{X}_{1} \times \mathbb{X}_{2} \times \dots \times \mathbb{X}_{n} \text{or} \mathbb{X}_{1} \times \mathbb{X}_{2} \times \dots

Let πi\pi_{i} be the projection function15 that πi:XXi\pi_{i}: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{X}_{i}

And if xXx \in \mathbb{X} πi(x)=xi\pi_{i}(x) = x_{i}

All the set of the form πi1(Ui)\pi_{i}^{-1}(U_{i}) where ii is arbitrary and UiU_{i} is an open set of Xi\mathbb{X}_{i} , form a subbasis of X\mathbb{X} . The topology generated by this subbasis is called product topology. And X\mathbb{X} is called a product space. :::

::: {#def:JTuple .definition} Definition 1.22 (J-tuple). Let JJ be an index set16. Give a set X\mathbb{X} , a J-tuple is defined as a function x:JXx: J \rightarrow \mathbb{X} . If α\alpha is an element of JJ , x(α)x(\alpha) is often denoted by xαx_{\alpha} and is called the αth\alpha\text{th} coordinate of xx . And the function xx itself is often denoted by the symbol (xα)αJ(x_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in J}

The set of all J-tuples of elements of X\mathbb{X} is often denoted by XJ\mathbb{X}^{J} . :::

::: {#def:CartesianProduct .definition} Definition 1.23 (cartesian product). Let {Aα}αJ\{A_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha \in J} be an indexed family of sets; let X=αJAα\mathbb{X} = \bigcup_{\alpha \in J} A_{\alpha} . The cartesian product of this indexed family is denoted by αJAα\displaystyle \prod_{\alpha \in J} A_{\alpha}

And is defined to be the set of all J-tuples (xα)αJ(x_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in J} of elements of X\mathbb{X} such that xαAαx_{\alpha} \in A_{\alpha} for each αJ\alpha \in J . That is, it is the set of all functions x:JαJAαx: J \rightarrow \bigcup_{\alpha \in J} A_{\alpha} such that x(α)Aαx(\alpha) \in A_{\alpha} for each αJ\alpha \in J . :::

::: {#theorem:ComparisonOfBoxProductTopology .theorem} Theorem 1.3 (Comparison of the box and product topologies). 17 The box topology on Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} has a basis all sets of the form Uα\prod U_{\alpha} where UαU_{\alpha} is open in XαX_{\alpha} for each α\alpha . The product topology on Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} has a basis all sets of the form Uα\prod U_{\alpha} where UαU_{\alpha} is open in XαX_{\alpha} for each α\alpha and UαU_{\alpha} equals Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} except for finitely many values of α\alpha . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.4. 18 Suppose the topology on each space Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} is given by a basis Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . The collection of all sets of the form αJBα\prod_{\alpha \in J} B_{\alpha} where BαBαB_{\alpha} \in \mathbb{B}_{\alpha} form a basis for the box topology on αJXα\prod _{\alpha \in J} \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} .

The collection of all sets of the same form, where BαBαB_{\alpha} \in \mathbb{B}_{\alpha} for finitely many indices α\alpha and Bα=XαB_{\alpha} = \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} for all the remaining indices, will form a basis for the product topology αJXα\prod_{\alpha \in J}\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.5. 19 Let AαA_{\alpha} be a subspace of Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} , for each αJ\alpha \in J . Then Aα\prod A_{\alpha} is a subspace of Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} if both products are given the box topology, or if both products are given the product topology. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.6. 20 If each space Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} is a Hausdorff space, then Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} is a Hausdorff space in both the box and product topologies. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.7. Let {Xα}\{ \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} \} be an indexed family of spaces; let AαXαA_{\alpha} \subseteq \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} for each α\alpha . If Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} is given either the product or the box topology, then Aα=Aα\prod \overline{A_{\alpha}} = \overline{\prod A_{\alpha}} :::

::: proof Proof. Let πα\pi_{\alpha} represent the projection mapping.

Let xx be an element of Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . Let VV be an open set in Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} that containing xx .

If xAαx \in \prod \overline{A_{\alpha}} , then πα(V)\pi_{\alpha}(V) is a open set in Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} that containing xαx_{\alpha} . Thus πα(V)\pi_{\alpha}(V) intersect with AαA_{\alpha} . Thus VV intersect with Aα\prod A_{\alpha} . Thus xAαx \in \overline{\prod A_{\alpha}} .

If xAαx \in \overline{\prod A_{\alpha}} . Let UαU_{\alpha} be an open set of AαA_{\alpha} that contain xαx_{\alpha} . Let V=UβV = \prod U_{\beta} such that Uβ={Xβ,βαUα,β=αU_{\beta} = \begin{cases} \mathbb{X}_{\beta}, & \beta \neq \alpha \\ U_{\alpha}, & \beta = \alpha \end{cases} . It is obvious that VV is an open set that contain xx . Thus VV intersect with Aα\prod A_{\alpha} . Thus UαU_{\alpha} intersect with AαA_{\alpha} . Thus xAαx \in \prod \overline{A_{\alpha}} . ◻ :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.8. Let f:AαJXαf: A \rightarrow \prod_{\alpha \in J} \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} be given by the equation f(a)=(fα(a))αJf(a) = ( f_{\alpha}(a) )_{\alpha \in J} where fα:AXαf_{\alpha} : A \rightarrow \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} for each α\alpha . Let Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} have the product topology. Then the function ff is continuous if and only if each function fαf_{\alpha} is continuous. :::

::: proof Proof. Let πα\pi_{\alpha} be the projection mapping

It is obvious that f1(U)=αJfα1(πα(U))f^{-1}(U) = \bigcap_{\alpha \in J} f_{\alpha}^{-1}(\pi_{\alpha}(U))

If fαf_{\alpha} is continuous. Let VV be a closed set of αJXα\prod_{\alpha \in J} \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . Then πα(V)\pi_{\alpha}(V) is closed. Then f1(V)f^{-1}(V) is intersect of closed set. Thus πα(V)\pi_{\alpha}(V) is closed. So ff is continuous.

If ff is continuous. Let UαU_{\alpha} be an open set of Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . Let Uβ=XβU_{\beta} = \mathbb{X}_{\beta} if βα\beta \neq \alpha . Let V=βJUβV = \prod_{\beta \in J} U_{\beta} . It is obvious that VV is an open set of Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . And

f1V=αJfα1(πα(U))=fα1(Uα)\begin{aligned} f^{-1}{V} &=& \bigcap_{\alpha \in J} f_{\alpha}^{-1}(\pi_{\alpha}(U)) \\ &=& f_{\alpha}^{-1}(U_{\alpha}) \end{aligned}

which is an open set in AA . Thus fαf_{\alpha} is continuous. ◻ :::

1.5 The Subspace Topology

::: {#def:SubspaceTopology .definition} Definition 1.24 (subspace topology). Let X\mathbb{X} be a topological space with topology T\mathbb{T} . If YY is a subset of X\mathbb{X} , the collection TY={YUUT}\mathbb{T}_{Y} = \{ Y \cap U | U \in \mathbb{T} \} is a topology on YY , called the subspace topology.

YY is also called a subspace of X\mathbb{X} :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.6. 21 If B\mathbb{B} is basis for the topology of X\mathbb{X} , YY is a subset of X\mathbb{X} then the collection BY={BYBB}\mathbb{B}_{Y} = \{ B \cap Y | B \in \mathbb{B} \} is a basis for the subspace topology on YY :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.7. 22 Let YY be a subspace of X\mathbb{X} . If UU is open in YY and YY is open in X\mathbb{X} , then UU is open in X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.9. 23 If AA is a subspace of X\mathbb{X} and BB is a subspace of Y\mathbb{Y} , then the product topology on A×BA \times B is the same as the topology A×BA \times B inherits as a subspace of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} :::

::: proof Proof. Let BX\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}} and BY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}} and BXY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}} be basis of topology of X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} and X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} respectively. Let BX\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' and BY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' and BXY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}}' be basis of topology of AA and AA and A×BA \times B respectively. We will show that BX×BY=BXY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' = \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}}'. Thus, the product topology on A×BA \times B is the same as the topology A×BA \times B inherits as a subspace of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} .

First, every element in BX×BY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' can be represented by BAA×BBB=BA×BBA×BBXYB_{A} \cap A \times B_{B} \cap B = B_{A} \times B_{B} \cap A \times B \in \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}}' where BABX,BBBYB_{A} \in \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}', B_{B} \in \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}'. Thus BX×BYBXY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' \subseteq \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}}'.

Next, we show that BX×BY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' generate the topology A×BA \times B inherits as a subspace of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} . For any open set UU in X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} , and xUA×B,BX×BYBXY,xBX×BYX×Y\forall x \in U \cap A \times B, \exists B_{\mathbb{X}} \times B_{\mathbb{Y}} \in \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}}, x \in B_{\mathbb{X}} \times B_{\mathbb{Y}} \subseteq \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y}. Thus xBX×BYA×BA×B,BX×BYA×BBX×BYx \in B_{\mathbb{X}} \times B_{\mathbb{Y}} \cap A \times B \subseteq A \times B, B_{\mathbb{X}} \times B_{\mathbb{Y}} \cap A \times B \in \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}'. Thus BX×BY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' generate the topology A×BA \times B inherits as a subspace of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} .gi ◻ :::

::: {#def:OrderedSquare .definition} Definition 1.25 (ordered square). Let I=[0,1]I = [0,1]. The set I×II \times I in the dictionary order 24 topology will be called ordered square, and denoted by Io2I_{o}^{2} :::

::: {#def:Convex .definition} Definition 1.26 (convex). Given an ordered set X\mathbb{X} , let us say that a subset Y\mathbb{Y} of X\mathbb{X} is convex in X\mathbb{X} if for each pair of points a<ba < b of Y\mathbb{Y} , the entire interval (a,b)(a,b) of points of X\mathbb{X} lies in Y\mathbb{Y} :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.10. 25 Let X\mathbb{X} be an ordered set in the order topology. Let Y\mathbb{Y} be a subset of X\mathbb{X} that is convex in X\mathbb{X} . Then the order topology on Y\mathbb{Y} is the same as the topology Y\mathbb{Y} inherits as a subspace of X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: proof Proof. Consider the ray (a,+)(a,+\infty) in X\mathbb{X} . If aYa \in \mathbb{Y}, then (a,+)Y={xxYandx>a}(a,+\infty) \cap \mathbb{Y} = \{ x | x \in \mathbb{Y} and x > a \}

This is an open ray of the ordered set of Y\mathbb{Y} . if aYa \notin Y, then aa is either a lower bound on Y\mathbb{Y} or an upper bound on Y\mathbb{Y} , since Y\mathbb{Y} is convex. In the former case, the set (a,+)Y(a,+\infty) \cap \mathbb{Y} equals all of Y\mathbb{Y} , in the latter case, it is empty.

A similar remark shows that the intersection of the rat (,a)(-\infty,a) with Y\mathbb{Y} is either an open ray of Y\mathbb{Y} , or Y\mathbb{Y} itself, or empty. Since the sets (a,+)Y(a,+\infty) \cal \mathbb{Y} and (,a)Y(-\infty,a) \cap \mathbb{Y} form a subbasis for the subspace topology on Y\mathbb{Y} , and since each is open in the order topology, the order topology contains the subspace topology.

To prove the reverse, note that any open ray of Y\mathbb{Y} equals the intersection of an open ray of X\mathbb{X} with Y\mathbb{Y} , so it is open in the subspace topology on Y\mathbb{Y} . Since the open rays of Y\mathbb{Y} are a subbasis for the order topology on Y\mathbb{Y} , this topology is contained in the subspace topology. ◻ ::: Exercise

  1. A map f:XY\mathit{f} : \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is said to be a open map[]{#def:OpenMap label="def:OpenMap"} if for every open set UXU \subseteq \mathbb{X}, the set f(U)\mathit{f}(U) is open in Y\mathbb{Y} . Show that π:X×YX\pi : \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{X} is open map.

    ::: proof Proof. An open set in X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} can be represented by (Ui×Ui)\cup( U_{i} \times U_{i}' ) where Ui,UiU_{i}, U_{i}' are open sets in X\mathbb{X} , Y\mathbb{Y} , respectively.

    Also, (Ui×Ui)=(Ui)×(Ui)\cup( U_{i} \times U_{i}' ) = \cup( U_{i} ) \times \cup( U_{i}' )

    Thus, π((Ui×Ui))=(Ui)\pi(\cup( U_{i} \times U_{i}' )) = \cup( U_{i} )

    Thus, π(U)\pi(U) is open in X\mathbb{X} . ◻ :::

  2. Let X\mathbb{X} and X\mathbb{X'} denote a single set in the topologies T\mathbb{T} and T\mathbb{T'} , respectively; let Y\mathbb{Y} and Y\mathbb{Y'} denote a single set in the topologies U\mathbb{U} and U\mathbb{U'} , respectively. 26 Assume these sets are nonempty.

    1. Show that if TT\mathbb{T}' \supseteq \mathbb{T} and UU\mathbb{U}' \supseteq \mathbb{U} , then the product topologies X×Y\mathbb{X'} \times \mathbb{Y'} is finer than the product topology on X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} .

    2. Does the converse of the previous statement hold?

  3. Show that the countable collection27 {(a,b)×(c,d)a<b,c<d,aQ,bQ,cQ,dQ}\{ (a,b) \times (c,d) | a < b, c < d, a \in \mathbb{Q}, b \in \mathbb{Q}, c \in \mathbb{Q}, d \in \mathbb{Q} \} is a basis for R2\mathbb{R}^{2}

    ::: proof Proof. This is obvious if you prove that (a,b)×(c,d)(a,b) \times (c,d) is a rectangle in the R2\mathbb{R}^{2} plane. ◻ :::

  4. Let X\mathbb{X} be an ordered set. If Y\mathbb{Y} is a proper subset of X\mathbb{X} that is convex in X\mathbb{X} prove that Y\mathbb{Y} may not be an interval or a ray in X\mathbb{X} .

    ::: proof Proof. Let X=R2\mathbb{X} = \mathbb{R}^{2} with dictionary order. Then Y={(x,y)1x1}Y = \{ (x,y) | -1 \le x \le 1 \} is convex in X\mathbb{X} , however it is not an interval or a ray. ◻ :::

    There is a false prove given by myself.

    ::: proof Proof. Let S\mathbb{S} be a set that contain all intervals and rays of Y\mathbb{Y} . We define a partial order on S\mathbb{S} by inclusion. So if there is a chain in S\mathbb{S} : S1S2S3S_{1} \subseteq S_{2} \subseteq S_{3} \dots

    Let S=S1S2S3S = S_{1} \cup S_{2} \cup S_{3} \cup \dots

    Thus, SS is an upper bound of the chain.

    Thus, by Zorn's Lemma, there is a maximal element of S\mathbb{S} , say UU , then we prove that U=YU = \mathbb{Y} .

    If UYU \neq \mathbb{Y} , then x,xYU\exists x, x \in \mathbb{Y} - U .

    If UU is a ray say (a,+)(a,+\infty) . Then x<ax < a , thus U(x,+)BU \subseteq (x,+\infty) \subseteq \mathbb{B} , then there is contradiction with the maximal element.

    If UU is an interval, the circumstance is similar with the proof of UU is a ray.

    Thus Y\mathbb{Y} is a ray or an interval. ◻ :::

    However, there is issue with this proof, the set SS does exists. However, it may not be an interval or ray, so it may not be contained in S\mathbb{S}

1.6 Closed Sets and Limit Points

::: {#def:Closed .definition} Definition 1.27 (closed). 28 A subset AA of a topological space is said to be closed if the set XA\mathbb{X}-A is open. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.11. 29 Let X\mathbb{X} be a topological space. Then the following conditions hold

  1. \emptyset and X\mathbb{X} are closed.

  2. Arbitrary intersections of closed sets are closed

  3. Finite unions of closed sets are closed :::

::: {#def:ClosedIn .definition} Definition 1.28 (closed in). Let X\mathbb{X} be a topological space; let Y\mathbb{Y} be a subspace of X\mathbb{X} . We say that a set AA is closed in Y\mathbb{Y} if AA is a subset of Y\mathbb{Y} and AA is closed in the subspace topology of Y\mathbb{Y} :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.12. Let Y\mathbb{Y} be a subspace of X\mathbb{X} . Then a set AA is closed in Y\mathbb{Y} if and only if it equals the intersection of a closed set of X\mathbb{X} with Y\mathbb{Y} :::

::: proof Proof. First we proof that if AA is closed in Y\mathbb{Y} , then BX,BY=A\exists B \subseteq \mathbb{X}, B \cap \mathbb{Y} = A . As the origin topology form a surjective map to its subspace topology, there exists a BB closed in X\mathbb{X} that YA=(XB)Y\mathbb{Y} - A = ( \mathbb{X} - B ) \cap \mathbb{Y} . Then BY=AB \cap \mathbb{Y} = A

Conversely, if BX,BY=A\exists B \subseteq \mathbb{X}, B \cap \mathbb{Y} = A . Then, YA=(XB)Y\mathbb{Y} - A = ( \mathbb{X} - B ) \cap \mathbb{Y} . Then XB\mathbb{X}-B is open in Y\mathbb{Y} , YA\mathbb{Y}-A is open in Y\mathbb{Y} . Then AA is closed in Y\mathbb{Y} ◻ :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.13. 30 Let Y\mathbb{Y} be a subspace of X\mathbb{X} . If AA is closed in Y\mathbb{Y} and Y\mathbb{Y} is closed in X\mathbb{X} , then AA is closed in X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: {#def:Interior .definition} Definition 1.29 (interior). Given a subset AA of a topological space X\mathbb{X} , the interior of AA is defined as the union of all open sets contained in AA . Denoted by Int(A)Int(A). :::

::: {#def:Closure .definition} Definition 1.30 (closure). Given a subset AA of a topological space X\mathbb{X} , the closure of AA is defined as the intersection of all closed sets containing AA . Denoted by Cl(A)Cl(A) or A\overline{A} :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.14. 3132 Let Y\mathbb{Y} be a subspace of a topological space X\mathbb{X} ; let AA be a subset of X\mathbb{X} . Let A\overline{A} denote the closure of AA in X\mathbb{X} . Then the closure of AA in Y\mathbb{Y} equals AY\overline{A} \cap \mathbb{Y} :::

::: {#def:Intersect .definition} Definition 1.31 (intersect). We say that a set AA intersects BB if ABA \cap B is not empty. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.15. Let AA be a subset of the topological space X\mathbb{X}

  1. The xAx \in \overline{A} if and only if every open set UU containing xx intersect AA .

  2. Supposing the topology of X\mathbb{X} is given by a basis, then xAx \in \overline{A} if and only if every basis element BB containing xx intersects AA :::

::: proof Proof. There are only two types of closed set UU in X\mathbb{X} :

  1. UAU \supseteq \overline{A}

  2. UAAU \cap A \neq A

Thus, there are only two types of open set UU in X\mathbb{X} respectively.

  1. UU does not intersects AA .

  2. UAU \cap \overline{A} \neq \emptyset

  3. If xAx \in \overline{A} , then every open set containing xx is the open set of second type, thus every open set containing xx intersects AA

    If every open set containing xx intersect A\mathbb{A} , suppose xAx \notin \overline{A} . Then XA\mathbb{X} - \overline{A} is a open set containing x, however, it does not intersects AA . Thus, xAx \in \overline{A} .

  4. If xAx \in \overline{A} , as every basis element of X\mathbb{X} is a open set, thus every basis element containing xx intersects A\mathbb{A}

    If every open set containing xx intersect A\mathbb{A} , suppose xAx \notin \overline{A} .

    As every open sets can be represented by union of basis. Let XA=B1B2B3B1B2B3\mathbb{X} - \overline{A} = B_{1} \cup B_{2} \cup B_{3} \cup \dots \cup B_{1}' \cup B_{2}' \cup B_{3}' \cup \dots where BB are bases containing xx , and BB' are bases that does not contain xx .

    Thus, xB1B2B3XAx \in B_{1} \cup B_{2} \cup B_{3} \cup \dots \subseteq \mathbb{X} - \overline{A}

    Then B1B2B3B_{1} \cup B_{2} \cup B_{3} \cup \dots that is a open set can be generated by all the bases containing xx , however, that does not intersects AA . So, xAx \in \overline{A} .

 ◻ :::

::: {#def:Neighbourhood .definition} Definition 1.32 (neighbourhood). 33 If we say UU is a neighbourhood of xx in X\mathbb{X} , then UU is an open set in X\mathbb{X} containing xx :::

::: {#def:LimitPoint .definition} Definition 1.33 (limit point, point of accumulation, cluster point). 34 If AA is a subset of topological space X\mathbb{X} .We say that xx is a limit point of AA if and only if every open sets containing xx intersects A with some points other than xx .

This condition is also equivalent to the condition that if xx is a limit point of AA if and only if xA{x}x \in \overline{A-\{x\}} :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.16. 35 Let AA be a subset of topological space X\mathbb{X} ; let AA' be the set of all limit points of AA . Then A=AA\overline{A} = A \cup A' :::

::: corollary Corollary 1.1. 36 A subset of a topological space is closed if and only if it contains all its limit point. :::

::: {#def:Converge .definition} Definition 1.34 (converge). 37 We say that a sequence of x1,x2,x3x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3} \dots converge to xx . When for every neighbourhood UU of xx , there exists a positive integer NN , such that for all n>Nn > N , xnUx_{n} \in U . :::

::: {#def:HausdorffSpace .definition} Definition 1.35 (Hausdorff space). A topological space is called a Hausdorff space, if for every distinct x1x_{1} , x2x_{2} in X\mathbb{X} , there exists disjoint neighbourhood of U1U_{1} , U2U_{2} of x1x_{1} , x2x_{2} in X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.17. 3839 Every finite point set in a Hausdorff space X\mathbb{X} is closed. :::

::: proof Proof. Let AA be a finite point set in a Hausdorff space X\mathbb{X} .

Suppose AA only have one element. Then for every xXAx\in\mathbb{X}-A , there exists a neighbourhood of xx that does not intersect with AA . So AA is closed.

Suppose AA is a closed finite point set. We take x0XAx_{0}\in\mathbb{X}-A . As finite union of closed set is closed, A{x0}A\cup\{x_{0}\} is closed.

Then, from induction, all finite point set in a Hausdorff space is closed. ◻ :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.18. If X\mathbb{X} is a Hausdorff space, then a sequence of points in X\mathbb{X} converges to at most one point. :::

::: proof Proof. Suppose that the following sequence x1,x2,x3x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}\dots

Converge to more than one points say y1,y2,y3y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3}\dots

Then there exists n1,n2,n3,U1,U2,U3n_{1}, n_{2}, n_{3}\dots, U_{1}, U_{2}, U_{3}\dots

Such that for n>nin > n_{i} xnUi,yiUix_{n} \in U_{i}, y_{i} \in U_{i}

If we take disjoint U1,U2U_{1}, U_{2} which is possible as this is a Hausdorff space.

Then the previews condition does not stand. So, every sequence of points in a Hausdorff space can only converge to at most one point. ◻ :::

::: {#def:Limit .definition} Definition 1.36 (limit). If a sequence xnx_{n} of points in Hausdorff space converge to the point xx , we denote this by xnxx_{n} \rightarrow x and we say the limit of xnx_{n} is xx . :::

::: {#def:T1Axiom .definition} Definition 1.37 ( T1T_{1} axiom). The condition that all finite point set of a topological space is closed is called T1T_{1} axiom. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.19. Let X\mathbb{X} be a space satisfying the T1T_{1} axiom; let AA be a subset of X\mathbb{X} . Then the point xx is a limit point of AA if and only if every neighbourhood of xx contains infinitely many points of AA . :::

::: proof Proof. If every neighbourhood of xx contains infinitely many point of AA . Than every neighbourhood of xx intersect with AA with infinite element other than xx , then xx is a limit point of AA .

If xx is a limit point of AA . Suppose that there exists a open set UU containing xx and intersect with AA for finite many points. Let U=U(Ax)U' = U \cap ( A - x )

Then, xUx \notin U' . Let U=UUU'' = U - U'

Then UU'' is open as UU' is a finite point set and U=UU=U(XU)U'' = U - U' = U \cap (\mathbb{X} - U')

Also, xUx \in U'' . Thus, UU'' is a open set containing xx that only intersect AA with xx or do not intersect AA . This is a contradiction of x is a limit point. Thus there does not exists a open set UU containing xx and intersect with AA for finite many points. ◻ :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.20. 40 Every simply ordered set is a Hausdorff space in order topology. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.21. 41 The product of two Hausdorff space is a Hausdorff space. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.22. 42 A subspace of a Hausdorff space is a Hausdorff space. :::

1.6.1 Exercise

  1. Give an counter example why Aα=Aα\overline{\cup A_{\alpha}} = \cup \overline{A_{\alpha}} dose not hold.

    ::: proof Proof. Consider the X be the K-topology on the real line.


    An=(1n+1,1n),nZ+A=An\begin{aligned} A_{n} &=& (\frac{1}{n+1},\frac{1}{n}), n \in \mathbb{Z}_{+} \\ A &=& \cup A_{n} \end{aligned}


    An=[1n+1,1n]An=(0,1]\begin{aligned} \overline{A_{n}} &=& [\frac{1}{n+1},\frac{1}{n}] \\ \cup \overline{A_{n}} &=& (0,1] \end{aligned}

    However, as every neighbourhood of 00 intersect Aα\cup A_{\alpha} . 0Aα0 \in \overline{\cup A_{\alpha}} .

    Thus, AαAα\overline{\cup A_{\alpha}} \neq \cup \overline{A_{\alpha}} ◻ :::

  2. Prove that ABAB\overline{A-B} \supseteq \overline{A} - \overline{B}

    ::: proof Proof. If xABx \in \overline{A} - \overline{B} . Then

    xA,xB\begin{aligned} x \in \overline{A}, x \notin \overline{B} \end{aligned}


    Thus for open set UU containing xx

    U1B=UA\begin{aligned} &\exists& U_{1} \cap B = \emptyset \\ &\forall& U \cap A \neq \emptyset \end{aligned}

    Suppose that xABx \notin \overline{A-B} . Then\

    U0(AB)=\begin{aligned} \exists U_{0} \cap (A-B) = \emptyset \end{aligned}


    U0AB\begin{aligned} U_{0} \cap A \subseteq B \end{aligned}


    U1B=U1U0A=\begin{aligned} U_{1} \cap B &=& \emptyset \\ U_{1} \cap U_{0} \cap A &=& \emptyset \end{aligned}

    As U1U0U_{1} \cap U_{0} is an open set containing xx , so there is contradiction with xAx \in \overline{A} . Thus xABx \in \overline{A-B} . ◻ :::

  3. A diagonal[]{#def:Diagonal label="def:Diagonal"} is a subset Δ={x×xxX}\Delta = \{ x \times x | x \in \mathbb{X} \} of the product topology X×X\mathbb{X \times X} where X\mathbb{X} is a topological space. Show that the diagonal is closed in X×X\mathbb{X \times X} if and only if X\mathbb{X} is a Hausdorff space.

    ::: proof Proof. If X\mathbb{X} is a Hausdorff space. For every element x×yx \times y of X×X\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{X} that not in Δ\Delta . We take disjoint set Ux,UyU_{x},U_{y} where xUx,yUyx \in U_{x}, y \in U_{y} . Then X×XΔ=xyUx×Uy\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{X} - \Delta = \cup_{x \neq y} U_{x} \times U_{y} . Where xyUx×Uy\cup_{x \neq y} U_{x} \times U_{y} is an open set. Thus Δ\Delta is a closed set.

    Conversely, if Δ\Delta is a closed set, suppose that X\mathbb{X} is not a Hausdorff space. Then there exists distinct x,yx, y such that every neighbourhood of xx and yy intersect. Let B\mathbb{B} be a basis of topology of X\mathbb{X} . Then x×yX×XΔx \times y \in \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{X} - \Delta . However we cannot find B1,B2B,x×yB1×B2X×XΔB_{1}, B_{2} \in \mathbb{B}, x \times y \in B_{1} \times B_{2} \subset \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{X} - \Delta . Then Δ\Delta is not a closed set. So there is a contradiction, then X\mathbb{X} must be a Hausdorff space. ◻ :::

  4. Prove that T1T_{1} axiom is equivalent to the condition such that for every distinct pair x,yx,y of X\mathbb{X} , there exists neighbourhood of xx does not contain yy .

    ::: proof Proof. First if T1T_{1} axiom hold, then for every pair x,yx,y , the neighbourhood X{y}\mathbb{X}-\{y\} of xx does not contain yy , so the second condition hold.

    Conversely, if the second condition hold. Suppose that we can find a finite points set say {x1,x2,x3\{x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3} \dots }, then there must exists x{x1,x2,x3x \in \{x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3} \dots } such that the set {x}\{x\} is not closed. Then {x}{x}\overline{\{x\}} - \{x\} \neq \emptyset . Let y{x}{x}y \in \overline{\{x\}} - \{x\} , then every neighbourhood of y must contain xx , this is a contradiction to the second condition, so the T1T_{1} axiom must hold. ◻ :::

  5. If AXA \subseteq \mathbb{X} , we define the boundary[]{#def:Boundary label="def:Boundary"} of AA by the equation BdA=AXA\text{Bd} A = \overline{A} \cap \overline{\mathbb{X}-A}

    1. Show that IntA\text{Int}A and BdA\text{Bd} A are disjoint and A=IntABdA\overline{A} = \text{Int} A \cup \text{Bd} A .

      ::: proof Proof. For every xBdAx \in \text{Bd}A , every open set contain xx must intersect AA and XA\mathbb{X}-A so, there is no open set UU contain xx , UAU \subseteq A .

      For every xIntAx' \in \text{Int}A , there exists UAU' \subseteq A , so BdA\text{Bd}A and IntA\text{Int}A are disjoint sets.

      For every xAx \in \overline{A} , xBdAx \in \text{Bd}A or xBdAx \notin \text{Bd}A . We discuss the condition that xBdAx \notin \text{Bd}A .

      Then xXAx \notin \overline{\mathbb{X}-A} , then there exists a open set UU containing xx , that does not intersect with XA\mathbb{X}-A . Thus UAU \subseteq A , thus xIntAx \in \text{Int}A . So AIntABdA\overline{A} \subseteq \text{Int} A \cup \text{Bd} A .

      Then, BdAA\text{Bd}A \subseteq \overline{A} , IntAAA\text{Int}A \subseteq A \subseteq \overline{A} . Thus, AIntABdA\overline{A} \supseteq \text{Int} A \cup \text{Bd} A

      So, A=IntABdA\overline{A} = \text{Int} A \cup \text{Bd} A ◻ :::

    2. Show that BdA=\text{Bd}A = \emptyset if and only if AA is both open and closed.

      ::: proof Proof. So, IntA=A\text{Int}A = \overline{A} , then BdA=\text{Bd}A = \emptyset follows directly from A=IntABdA\overline{A} = \text{Int} A \cup \text{Bd} A . ◻ :::

    3. Show that UU is open if and only if BdU=UU\text{Bd}U = \overline{U}-U .

      ::: proof Proof. Suppose U is open. Then XU=XU\overline{\mathbb{X}-U} = \mathbb{X} - U . Then for every xUx \in U , xXU,xXUx \notin \mathbb{X} - U, x \notin \overline{\mathbb{X}-U} . Thus UXU=UU\overline{U} \cap \overline{\mathbb{X}-U}=\overline{U}-U .

      Conversely, suppose BdU=UU\text{Bd}U = \overline{U}-U . Then for every xUx \in U , xBdUx \notin \text{Bd}U . Then as U=IntUBdU\overline{U} = \text{Int}U\cup \text{Bd}U , xIntUx \in \text{Int}U . So IntUU\text{Int}U \supseteq U . Thus U=IntUU = \text{Int}U . Thus, UU is open. ◻ :::

1.7 Continuous Function

::: {#def:ContinuousRelativeTo .definition} Definition 1.38 (continuous). []{#def:Continuous label="def:Continuous"}43 Let X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} be topological spaces. A function f:XYf: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is said to be continuous if for each open subset VV of Y\mathbb{Y} , the set f1(V)f^{-1}(V) is an open subset of X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.23. Let X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} be topological spaces; let f:XYf: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow\mathbb{Y} . Then the following are equivalent.

  1. ff is continuous.

  2. For every subset AA of XX , one has f(A)f(A)f(\overline{A})\subseteq\overline{f(A)} .

  3. For every closed set BB of Y\mathbb{Y} , the set f1(B)f^{-1}(B) is closed in X\mathbb{X} .

  4. For each xXx\in\mathbb{X} and each neighbourhood of VV of f(x)f(x) , there is a neighbourhood UU of xx such that f(U)Vf(U) \subseteq V . :::

::: proof Proof. 1 \Rightarrow 3:

Let AA be a open set in Y\mathbb{Y} . f1(YA)=Xf1(A)f^{-1}(\mathbb{Y}-A) = \mathbb{X} - f^{-1}(A) .

3 \Rightarrow 1:

Let AA be a closed set in Y\mathbb{Y} . f1(YA)=Xf1(A)f^{-1}(\mathbb{Y}-A) = \mathbb{X} - f^{-1}(A) .

1 \Rightarrow 2:

For xAx \in \overline{A} , we take a open set f(x)UYf(x) \in U \subseteq \mathbb{Y} . Thus xf1(U)Ax \in f^{-1}(U) \cap A \neq \emptyset . Thus Uf(A)U \cap f(A) \neq \emptyset . So f(x)f(A)f(x) \in \overline{f(A)} . Thus f(A)f(A)f(\overline{A})\subseteq\overline{f(A)} .

2 \Rightarrow 3:

Suppose ff is not continuous. Then there must exists VV , such that f1(V)=Uf^{-1}(V) = U is not closed. Thus UB=f1(A)\overline{U} \supset B = f^{-1}(A) . Thus fBAf{\overline{B}} \supset A . However f(B)f(B)=Af(\overline{B}) \subseteq \overline{f(B)} = A . There is a contradiction. So ff must be continuous.

1 \Rightarrow 4:

For every neighbourhood VV of f(x)f(x) , f1(V)f^{-1}(V) is a neighbourhood of xx that f(f1(V))Vf(f^{-1}(V)) \subseteq V .

4 \Rightarrow 1:

We take a open set VV of Y\mathbb{Y} . Let SS be the collection of all open set UU in X\mathbb{X} such that f(U)Vf(U) \subseteq V . The set cannot be empty unless f1(V)=f^{-1}(V) = \emptyset . Let U0U_{0} denote the union of all the element in SS . We prove that U0=f1(V)U_{0} = f^{-1}(V) .

For all element xU0x \in U_{0} , f(x)Vf(x) \in V . Thus U0f1(V)U_{0} \subseteq f^{-1}(V) .

For all element xf1(V)x \in f^{-1}(V) . There is a UU' such that xU,f(U)Vx \in U', f(U')\subseteq V . This follows from the condition 4. Thus USU' \in S . Thus xU0x \in U_{0} . Thus U0f1(V)U_{0} \subseteq f^{-1}(V) . As U0U_{0} is union of open set, U0U_{0} is also open. Thus, f1(V)f^{-1}(V) is also open.

Thus ff is continuous. ◻ :::

::: {#def:Homeomorphism .definition} Definition 1.39 (homeomorphism). 44 Let X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} be topological space; let f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} be a bijection. If both the function ff and the inverse function f1:YXf^{-1}: \mathbb{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{X} are continuous, then f is called a homeomorphism :::

::: {#def:TopologicalImbedding .definition} Definition 1.40 (topological imbedding). Suppose that f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is an injective continuous map, where X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} are topological spaces. Let Z\mathbb{Z} be the image set f(X)f(\mathbb{X}) , considered as a subspace of Y\mathbb{Y} ; then the function f:XZf': \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z} obtained by restricting the range of ff is bijective. If ff' happens to be a homeomorphism of X\mathbb{X} with Z\mathbb{Z} , we say that the map f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is a topological imbedding, or simply an imbedding, of X\mathbb{X} in Y\mathbb{Y} . :::

::: {#theorem:RulesForConstructingContinuousFunctions .theorem} Theorem 1.24 (Rules for constructing continuous functions). Let X\mathbb{X} , Y\mathbb{Y} , and Z\mathbb{Z} be topological spaces.

  1. (Constant function) If f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} maps all of X\mathbb{X} into the single point y0y_{0} of Y\mathbb{Y} , then ff is continuous.

  2. (Inclusion) If AA is a subspace of X\mathbb{X} , the inclusion function j:AXj: A \rightarrow \mathbb{X} is continuous.

  3. (Composites) If f:XYf: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow \mathbb{Y} and g:YZg:\mathbb{Y}\rightarrow\mathbb{Z} are continuous, then the map gf:XZg \circ f: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z} is continuous.

  4. (Restricting the domain) If f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is continuous, and if AA is a subspace of X\mathbb{X} , then the restriction function fA:AYf|A : A \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is continuous.

  5. (Restricting or expanding the range) Let f:XYf:\mathbb{X}\rightarrow\mathbb{Y} is continuous. Let Z\mathbb{Z} be a subspace of Y\mathbb{Y} containing the image f(X)f(\mathbb{X}) , the function h:XZh: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow \mathbb{Z} obtained by restricting the range of ff is continuous. If Z\mathbb{Z} is a space having Y\mathbb{Y} as a subspace, then the function h:XYh: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow\mathbb{Y} obtained by expanding the range of ff is continuous.

  6. (Local formulation of continuity) The map f:XYf: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow\mathbb{Y} is continuous if X\mathbb{X} can be written as the union of open sets UαU_{\alpha} such set fUαf|U_{\alpha} is continuous for each α\alpha :::

::: proof Proof.

  1. f1(U)f^{-1}(U) of any open set UU is X\mathbb{X} , thus ff is continuous.

  2. For every open subset UU of X\mathbb{X} , j1(U)=UAj^{-1}(U) = U\cap A is continuous in AA . Thus jj is a continuous function.

  3. For every open subset UU of Z\mathbb{Z} , f1(U)f^{-1}(U) is open in Y\mathbb{Y} , and g1(f1(U))g^{-1}(f^{-1}(U))