General Topology Notes
Date: 2023/12/03Last Updated: 2023-12-03T01:22:17.000Z
Categories: Notes, Math
Tags: Math, Topology, General Topology
Read Time: 35 minutes
0.1 Contents
1 Topology Spaces and Continuous Function
This is a note for general topology. The main reference is Topology.
The note is written in Pandoc Markdown.
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1.1 Basic Definition of Topology
::: {#def:Topology .definition} Definition 1.1 (topology). A topology on a set is a collection of subsets of having the following properties:
and are in
The union of the elements of any sub collection of is in
The intersection of the elements of any finite sub collection of is in :::
::: {#def:TopologySpace .definition} Definition 1.2 (topology space). A topological space is a set for which a topology has been specified. :::
::: {#def:OpenSet .definition} Definition 1.3 (open set). A open set is a subset of that belongs to a topology of . :::
::: {#def:OpenSets .definition} Definition 1.4 (open sets). A topology can also be called a open sets :::
::: {#def:DiscreteTopology .definition} Definition 1.5 (discrete topology). The set of all subsets of a set formed a topology called discrete topology :::
::: {#def:TrivialTopology .definition} Definition 1.6 (trivial topology). The set consisting the set and only formed a topology of called trivial topology :::
::: {#def:FiniteComplementTopology .definition} Definition 1.7 (finite complement topology). Let be a set. Let be the collection of all subsets of such that either if a finite 1 of is all of . Then is a topology on , called the finite complement topology. :::
::: {#def:Comparable .definition} Definition 1.8 (finer, larger, strictly finer, strictly larger, coarser, smaller, strictly coarser, strictly smaller, comparable). Let and be two topology on a given set . If is a subset of , we say that is finer or larger than . If is a proper subset of , we say that is strictly finer or strictly larger than . We also say that is coarser or smaller or strictly coarser or strictly smaller than . We say that and is comparable if either is a subset of or is a subset of . :::
1.2 Basis for a Topology
::: {#def:Basis .definition} Definition 1.9 (basis). If is a set, a basis for a topology on is a collection of subsets of (called basis elements) such that:
For each , there is at least one basis element containing
If belongs to the intersection of two basis elements and , then there is another element such that :::
::: {#def:TopologyGeneratedByBasis .definition} Definition 1.10 (topology generated by basis). Let be a basis on . Let be a set containing all subsets of such that for each element , there is that . Such formed a topology on , called topology generated by :::
::: lemma Lemma 1.1. Let be a set. Let be a basis for a topology on . Then equals to the set of all possible unions of elements of . :::
::: proof Proof. Let set be the set of all possible unions of elements of . For any . 2 for some . Thus, for every , there exist a that . Thus, .
Conversely, for any . For any , let . Then, . Thus, .
Therefore, equals to . ◻ :::
::: lemma Lemma 1.2. 3 Let be a topological space. Suppose that is a collection of open sets of such that for each open set of and each , there is an element such that . Then is a basis for the topology of . :::
::: lemma Lemma 1.3. 4 Let and be basis for the topologies and , respectively, on . Then the following are equivalent:
is finer than
For each and each basis element containing X, there is a basis element such that . :::
::: {#def:StandardTopologyOnTheRealLine .definition} Definition 1.11 (standard topology on the real line). Let be . formed a basis on real line. The topology generated by is called the standard topology on the real line 5 . :::
::: {#def:LowerLimitTopologyOnTheRealLine .definition} Definition 1.12 (lower limit topology on the real line). Let be . formed a basis on real line. The topology generated by is called the lower limit topology on the real line. When is given this topology,we denote it by . :::
::: {#def:KTopologyOnTheRealLine .definition} Definition 1.13 (K-topology on the real line). Let be . Let . formed a basis on real line. The topology generated by is called the K-topology on the real line. When is given this topology,we denote it by . :::
::: lemma Lemma 1.4. 6 The topologies and is strictly finer than the standard topology on . :::
::: lemma Lemma 1.5. The topologies of and is not comparable. :::
::: proof Proof. Let and be topologies of and respectively. Let .
We first proof that is not finer than . Let . If there exist such that , then . Thus, there exist that . Thus is not a subset of .
Then we proof that is not finer than . Let . If there exist such that . Thus . Thus there exist that . Thus .
Thus the topologies of and is not comparable. ◻ :::
::: {#def:Subbasis .definition} Definition 1.14 (subbasis). A subbasis for a topology on is a collection of subsets of whose union equals . The topology generated by the subbasis is defined to be the collection 7 of all unions of finite intersections of elements of . :::
1.2.1 Exercise
Show that if is a basis for a topology on , then the topology generated by equals the intersection of all topologies on that contain . Prove the same if is a subbasis.
::: proof Proof. As a subbasis is also a basis, we will directly prove the case of subbasis here.
Let be set contain all the topologies that contain . Let be the topology that generated. Let .8
First, . Thus, . Thus, .
Also, . Thus, . Thus, .
Thus, ◻ :::
1.3 The Order Topology
::: {#def:Interval .definition} Definition 1.15 (interval). Let is a set having a simple order relation . Given elements and of such that , there are four subsets of that are called intervals determined by and :
is called an open interval on . is called an closed interval on . and is called half-open intervals. :::
::: {#def:OrderTopology .definition} Definition 1.16 (order topology). 9 Let be a set with a simple order relation; assume has more than one element. Let be the collection of all sets of the following types:
All open intervals in .
All intervals of the form , where is the smallest element(if exist) of .
All intervals of the form , where is the largest element(if exist) of .
The collection formed a basis for a topology on , which is called the order topology. :::
::: {#def:Ray .definition} Definition 1.17 (ray). 1011 If is an ordered set, and is an element of , there are four subsets of that are called rays determined by :
and are called open rays. and are called closed rays. :::
1.4 The Product Topology
::: {#def:ProductTopology .definition} Definition 1.18 (product topology). Let and be topological spaces. The product topology on having a basis containing all sets of the form , where and is open sets of and respectively. :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.1. 12 If and is basis for the topology of and respectively, then the collection is a basis for the topology of :::
::: {#def:Projection .definition} Definition 1.19 (projection). Let be defined by the equation:
Let be defined by the equation:
The maps and are called the projections of onto its first and second factors, respectively. :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.2. 13 The collection is a subbasis for the product topology on . :::
::: {#def:BoxTopology .definition} Definition 1.20 (box topology). Let,
In the first case, all the sets of the form where is a open set of form a basis.
In the second case, all the sets of the form where is a open set of also form a basis.
Topology defined in this way was called a box topology. :::
::: {#def:ProjectionMapping .definition} Definition 1.21 (product topology). []{#def:ProductTopologyInfinite label="def:ProductTopologyInfinite"}14 Let,
Let be the projection function15 that
And if
All the set of the form where is arbitrary and is an open set of , form a subbasis of . The topology generated by this subbasis is called product topology. And is called a product space. :::
::: {#def:JTuple .definition} Definition 1.22 (J-tuple). Let be an index set16. Give a set , a J-tuple is defined as a function . If is an element of , is often denoted by and is called the coordinate of . And the function itself is often denoted by the symbol
The set of all J-tuples of elements of is often denoted by . :::
::: {#def:CartesianProduct .definition} Definition 1.23 (cartesian product). Let be an indexed family of sets; let . The cartesian product of this indexed family is denoted by
And is defined to be the set of all J-tuples of elements of such that for each . That is, it is the set of all functions such that for each . :::
::: {#theorem:ComparisonOfBoxProductTopology .theorem} Theorem 1.3 (Comparison of the box and product topologies). 17 The box topology on has a basis all sets of the form where is open in for each . The product topology on has a basis all sets of the form where is open in for each and equals except for finitely many values of . :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.4. 18 Suppose the topology on each space is given by a basis . The collection of all sets of the form where form a basis for the box topology on .
The collection of all sets of the same form, where for finitely many indices and for all the remaining indices, will form a basis for the product topology . :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.5. 19 Let be a subspace of , for each . Then is a subspace of if both products are given the box topology, or if both products are given the product topology. :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.6. 20 If each space is a Hausdorff space, then is a Hausdorff space in both the box and product topologies. :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.7. Let be an indexed family of spaces; let for each . If is given either the product or the box topology, then :::
::: proof Proof. Let represent the projection mapping.
Let be an element of . Let be an open set in that containing .
If , then is a open set in that containing . Thus intersect with . Thus intersect with . Thus .
If . Let be an open set of that contain . Let such that . It is obvious that is an open set that contain . Thus intersect with . Thus intersect with . Thus . ◻ :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.8. Let be given by the equation where for each . Let have the product topology. Then the function is continuous if and only if each function is continuous. :::
::: proof Proof. Let be the projection mapping
It is obvious that
If is continuous. Let be a closed set of . Then is closed. Then is intersect of closed set. Thus is closed. So is continuous.
If is continuous. Let be an open set of . Let if . Let . It is obvious that is an open set of . And
which is an open set in . Thus is continuous. ◻ :::
1.5 The Subspace Topology
::: {#def:SubspaceTopology .definition} Definition 1.24 (subspace topology). Let be a topological space with topology . If is a subset of , the collection is a topology on , called the subspace topology.
is also called a subspace of :::
::: lemma Lemma 1.6. 21 If is basis for the topology of , is a subset of then the collection is a basis for the subspace topology on :::
::: lemma Lemma 1.7. 22 Let be a subspace of . If is open in and is open in , then is open in . :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.9. 23 If is a subspace of and is a subspace of , then the product topology on is the same as the topology inherits as a subspace of :::
::: proof Proof. Let and and be basis of topology of and and respectively. Let and and be basis of topology of and and respectively. We will show that . Thus, the product topology on is the same as the topology inherits as a subspace of .
First, every element in can be represented by where . Thus .
Next, we show that generate the topology inherits as a subspace of . For any open set in , and . Thus . Thus generate the topology inherits as a subspace of .gi ◻ :::
::: {#def:OrderedSquare .definition} Definition 1.25 (ordered square). Let . The set in the dictionary order 24 topology will be called ordered square, and denoted by :::
::: {#def:Convex .definition} Definition 1.26 (convex). Given an ordered set , let us say that a subset of is convex in if for each pair of points of , the entire interval of points of lies in :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.10. 25 Let be an ordered set in the order topology. Let be a subset of that is convex in . Then the order topology on is the same as the topology inherits as a subspace of . :::
::: proof Proof. Consider the ray in . If , then
This is an open ray of the ordered set of . if , then is either a lower bound on or an upper bound on , since is convex. In the former case, the set equals all of , in the latter case, it is empty.
A similar remark shows that the intersection of the rat with is either an open ray of , or itself, or empty. Since the sets and form a subbasis for the subspace topology on , and since each is open in the order topology, the order topology contains the subspace topology.
To prove the reverse, note that any open ray of equals the intersection of an open ray of with , so it is open in the subspace topology on . Since the open rays of are a subbasis for the order topology on , this topology is contained in the subspace topology. ◻ ::: Exercise
A map is said to be a open map[]{#def:OpenMap label="def:OpenMap"} if for every open set , the set is open in . Show that is open map.
::: proof Proof. An open set in can be represented by where are open sets in , , respectively.
Thus, is open in . ◻ :::
Let and denote a single set in the topologies and , respectively; let and denote a single set in the topologies and , respectively. 26 Assume these sets are nonempty.
Show that if and , then the product topologies is finer than the product topology on .
Does the converse of the previous statement hold?
Show that the countable collection27 is a basis for
::: proof Proof. This is obvious if you prove that is a rectangle in the plane. ◻ :::
Let be an ordered set. If is a proper subset of that is convex in prove that may not be an interval or a ray in .
::: proof Proof. Let with dictionary order. Then is convex in , however it is not an interval or a ray. ◻ :::
There is a false prove given by myself.
::: proof Proof. Let be a set that contain all intervals and rays of . We define a partial order on by inclusion. So if there is a chain in :
Thus, is an upper bound of the chain.
Thus, by Zorn's Lemma, there is a maximal element of , say , then we prove that .
If , then .
If is a ray say . Then , thus , then there is contradiction with the maximal element.
If is an interval, the circumstance is similar with the proof of is a ray.
Thus is a ray or an interval. ◻ :::
However, there is issue with this proof, the set does exists. However, it may not be an interval or ray, so it may not be contained in
1.6 Closed Sets and Limit Points
::: {#def:Closed .definition} Definition 1.27 (closed). 28 A subset of a topological space is said to be closed if the set is open. :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.11. 29 Let be a topological space. Then the following conditions hold
and are closed.
Arbitrary intersections of closed sets are closed
Finite unions of closed sets are closed :::
::: {#def:ClosedIn .definition} Definition 1.28 (closed in). Let be a topological space; let be a subspace of . We say that a set is closed in if is a subset of and is closed in the subspace topology of :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.12. Let be a subspace of . Then a set is closed in if and only if it equals the intersection of a closed set of with :::
::: proof Proof. First we proof that if is closed in , then . As the origin topology form a surjective map to its subspace topology, there exists a closed in that . Then
Conversely, if . Then, . Then is open in , is open in . Then is closed in ◻ :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.13. 30 Let be a subspace of . If is closed in and is closed in , then is closed in . :::
::: {#def:Interior .definition} Definition 1.29 (interior). Given a subset of a topological space , the interior of is defined as the union of all open sets contained in . Denoted by . :::
::: {#def:Closure .definition} Definition 1.30 (closure). Given a subset of a topological space , the closure of is defined as the intersection of all closed sets containing . Denoted by or :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.14. 3132 Let be a subspace of a topological space ; let be a subset of . Let denote the closure of in . Then the closure of in equals :::
::: {#def:Intersect .definition} Definition 1.31 (intersect). We say that a set intersects if is not empty. :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.15. Let be a subset of the topological space
The if and only if every open set containing intersect .
Supposing the topology of is given by a basis, then if and only if every basis element containing intersects :::
::: proof Proof. There are only two types of closed set in :
Thus, there are only two types of open set in respectively.
does not intersects .
If , then every open set containing is the open set of second type, thus every open set containing intersects
If every open set containing intersect , suppose . Then is a open set containing x, however, it does not intersects . Thus, .
If , as every basis element of is a open set, thus every basis element containing intersects
If every open set containing intersect , suppose .
As every open sets can be represented by union of basis. Let where are bases containing , and are bases that does not contain .
Then that is a open set can be generated by all the bases containing , however, that does not intersects . So, .
◻ :::
::: {#def:Neighbourhood .definition} Definition 1.32 (neighbourhood). 33 If we say is a neighbourhood of in , then is an open set in containing :::
::: {#def:LimitPoint .definition} Definition 1.33 (limit point, point of accumulation, cluster point). 34 If is a subset of topological space .We say that is a limit point of if and only if every open sets containing intersects A with some points other than .
This condition is also equivalent to the condition that if is a limit point of if and only if :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.16. 35 Let be a subset of topological space ; let be the set of all limit points of . Then :::
::: corollary Corollary 1.1. 36 A subset of a topological space is closed if and only if it contains all its limit point. :::
::: {#def:Converge .definition} Definition 1.34 (converge). 37 We say that a sequence of converge to . When for every neighbourhood of , there exists a positive integer , such that for all , . :::
::: {#def:HausdorffSpace .definition} Definition 1.35 (Hausdorff space). A topological space is called a Hausdorff space, if for every distinct , in , there exists disjoint neighbourhood of , of , in . :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.17. 3839 Every finite point set in a Hausdorff space is closed. :::
::: proof Proof. Let be a finite point set in a Hausdorff space .
Suppose only have one element. Then for every , there exists a neighbourhood of that does not intersect with . So is closed.
Suppose is a closed finite point set. We take . As finite union of closed set is closed, is closed.
Then, from induction, all finite point set in a Hausdorff space is closed. ◻ :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.18. If is a Hausdorff space, then a sequence of points in converges to at most one point. :::
::: proof Proof. Suppose that the following sequence
Converge to more than one points say
Then there exists
Such that for
If we take disjoint which is possible as this is a Hausdorff space.
Then the previews condition does not stand. So, every sequence of points in a Hausdorff space can only converge to at most one point. ◻ :::
::: {#def:Limit .definition} Definition 1.36 (limit). If a sequence of points in Hausdorff space converge to the point , we denote this by and we say the limit of is . :::
::: {#def:T1Axiom .definition} Definition 1.37 ( axiom). The condition that all finite point set of a topological space is closed is called axiom. :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.19. Let be a space satisfying the axiom; let be a subset of . Then the point is a limit point of if and only if every neighbourhood of contains infinitely many points of . :::
::: proof Proof. If every neighbourhood of contains infinitely many point of . Than every neighbourhood of intersect with with infinite element other than , then is a limit point of .
If is a limit point of . Suppose that there exists a open set containing and intersect with for finite many points. Let
Then, . Let
Then is open as is a finite point set and
Also, . Thus, is a open set containing that only intersect with or do not intersect . This is a contradiction of x is a limit point. Thus there does not exists a open set containing and intersect with for finite many points. ◻ :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.20. 40 Every simply ordered set is a Hausdorff space in order topology. :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.21. 41 The product of two Hausdorff space is a Hausdorff space. :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.22. 42 A subspace of a Hausdorff space is a Hausdorff space. :::
1.6.1 Exercise
Give an counter example why dose not hold.
::: proof Proof. Consider the X be the K-topology on the real line.
However, as every neighbourhood of intersect . .
Thus, ◻ :::
Prove that
::: proof Proof. If . Then
Thus for open set containing
Suppose that . Then\
As is an open set containing , so there is contradiction with . Thus . ◻ :::
A diagonal[]{#def:Diagonal label="def:Diagonal"} is a subset of the product topology where is a topological space. Show that the diagonal is closed in if and only if is a Hausdorff space.
::: proof Proof. If is a Hausdorff space. For every element of that not in . We take disjoint set where . Then . Where is an open set. Thus is a closed set.
Conversely, if is a closed set, suppose that is not a Hausdorff space. Then there exists distinct such that every neighbourhood of and intersect. Let be a basis of topology of . Then . However we cannot find . Then is not a closed set. So there is a contradiction, then must be a Hausdorff space. ◻ :::
Prove that axiom is equivalent to the condition such that for every distinct pair of , there exists neighbourhood of does not contain .
::: proof Proof. First if axiom hold, then for every pair , the neighbourhood of does not contain , so the second condition hold.
Conversely, if the second condition hold. Suppose that we can find a finite points set say }, then there must exists } such that the set is not closed. Then . Let , then every neighbourhood of y must contain , this is a contradiction to the second condition, so the axiom must hold. ◻ :::
If , we define the boundary[]{#def:Boundary label="def:Boundary"} of by the equation
Show that and are disjoint and .
::: proof Proof. For every , every open set contain must intersect and so, there is no open set contain , .
For every , there exists , so and are disjoint sets.
For every , or . We discuss the condition that .
Then , then there exists a open set containing , that does not intersect with . Thus , thus . So .
Then, , . Thus,
So, ◻ :::
Show that if and only if is both open and closed.
::: proof Proof. So, , then follows directly from . ◻ :::
Show that is open if and only if .
::: proof Proof. Suppose U is open. Then . Then for every , . Thus .
Conversely, suppose . Then for every , . Then as , . So . Thus . Thus, is open. ◻ :::
1.7 Continuous Function
::: {#def:ContinuousRelativeTo .definition} Definition 1.38 (continuous). []{#def:Continuous label="def:Continuous"}43 Let and be topological spaces. A function is said to be continuous if for each open subset of , the set is an open subset of . :::
::: theorem Theorem 1.23. Let and be topological spaces; let . Then the following are equivalent.
is continuous.
For every subset of , one has .
For every closed set of , the set is closed in .
For each and each neighbourhood of of , there is a neighbourhood of such that . :::
::: proof Proof. 1 3:
Let be a open set in . .
3 1:
Let be a closed set in . .
1 2:
For , we take a open set . Thus . Thus . So . Thus .
2 3:
Suppose is not continuous. Then there must exists , such that is not closed. Thus . Thus . However . There is a contradiction. So must be continuous.
1 4:
For every neighbourhood of , is a neighbourhood of that .
4 1:
We take a open set of . Let be the collection of all open set in such that . The set cannot be empty unless . Let denote the union of all the element in . We prove that .
For all element , . Thus .
For all element . There is a such that . This follows from the condition 4. Thus . Thus . Thus . As is union of open set, is also open. Thus, is also open.
Thus is continuous. ◻ :::
::: {#def:Homeomorphism .definition} Definition 1.39 (homeomorphism). 44 Let and be topological space; let be a bijection. If both the function and the inverse function are continuous, then f is called a homeomorphism :::
::: {#def:TopologicalImbedding .definition} Definition 1.40 (topological imbedding). Suppose that is an injective continuous map, where and are topological spaces. Let be the image set , considered as a subspace of ; then the function obtained by restricting the range of is bijective. If happens to be a homeomorphism of with , we say that the map is a topological imbedding, or simply an imbedding, of in . :::
::: {#theorem:RulesForConstructingContinuousFunctions .theorem} Theorem 1.24 (Rules for constructing continuous functions). Let , , and be topological spaces.
(Constant function) If maps all of into the single point of , then is continuous.
(Inclusion) If is a subspace of , the inclusion function is continuous.
(Composites) If and are continuous, then the map is continuous.
(Restricting the domain) If is continuous, and if is a subspace of , then the restriction function is continuous.
(Restricting or expanding the range) Let is continuous. Let be a subspace of containing the image , the function obtained by restricting the range of is continuous. If is a space having as a subspace, then the function obtained by expanding the range of is continuous.
(Local formulation of continuity) The map is continuous if can be written as the union of open sets such set is continuous for each :::
::: proof Proof.
of any open set is , thus is continuous.
For every open subset of , is continuous in . Thus is a continuous function.
For every open subset of , is open in , and