NixOS Configurations | NixOS 不完全手记
Date: 2023/06/05Last Updated: 2023-11-03T23:59:11.000Z
Categories: NixOS
Tags: Linux, NixOS, Nix, System, OpenSource
Read Time: 2 minutes
0.1 Contents
- 0.2 Intro
- 0.3 Useful Commands
- 0.4 Useful Websites
- 0.5 Put File Under /etc
- 0.6 Reference Store Path of a Nix Package
- 0.7 Use Agenix to Manage Secrets
- 0.8 Mount WebDav Using AutoFS
- 0.9 Clean the System & Nix Store
- 0.10 Enable the Mosh Server
- 0.11 Enable Fail2Ban
0.2 Intro
Some note for NixOS configurations.
0.3 Useful Commands
0.3.1 Rebuild the System
Need sudo
# test the configuration
sudo nixos-rebuild test --flake "/path/to/config#tag" --show-trace
# switch to the configuration
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake "/path/to/config#tag" --show-trace
0.4 Useful Websites
0.5 Put File Under /etc
example-configuration-file =
source = "./file.conf.example";
mode = "0440";
"default/useradd".text = "GROUP=100 ...";
0.6 Reference Store Path of a Nix Package
0.7 Use Agenix to Manage Secrets
Check agenix GitHub
0.7.1 Install Agenix Via Flakes
inputs.agenix.url = "github:ryantm/agenix";
# optional, not necessary for the module
#inputs.agenix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# optionally choose not to download darwin deps (saves some resources on Linux)
#inputs.agenix.inputs.darwin.follows = "";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, agenix }: {
# change `yourhostname` to your actual hostname
nixosConfigurations.yourhostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
# change to your system:
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
0.7.2 Get Secrets
use ssh keys
as keys.
System host ssh key
is at /etc/ssh/
User's ssh key
is at ~/.ssh
0.7.3 Mkdir For Agenix
mkdir -p ./secrets
0.7.4 Add Secrets Keys
Keys should be put at ./secrets/secrets.nix
# ./secrets/secrets.nix
user1 = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIL0idNvgGiucWgup/mP78zyC23uFjYq0evcWdjGQUaBH";
user2 = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILI6jSq53F/3hEmSs+oq9L4TwOo1PrDMAgcA1uo1CCV/";
users = [ user1 user2 ];
system1 = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPJDyIr/FSz1cJdcoW69R+NrWzwGK/+3gJpqD1t8L2zE";
system2 = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKzxQgondgEYcLpcPdJLrTdNgZ2gznOHCAxMdaceTUT1";
systems = [ system1 system2 ];
"secret1.age".publicKeys = [ user1 system1 ];
"secret2.age".publicKeys = users ++ systems;
This file declare that the secret1.age
can be decrypted by user1
and system1
can be decrypted by all users in users
and systems
0.7.5 Add Secrets
# You need to be in the same directory as secrets.nix
cd ./secrets
# This will open your editor ($EDITOR) to create the secret
agenix -e secret1.age
0.7.6 Add Secrets to NixOS Configurations
# this will allow you to use the secrets in your NixOS configuration as a string
age.secrets.secret1.file = ../secrets/secret1.age;
# this will allow you to access the at the path /etc/secret1 with the correct permissions
age.secrets.secret1 = {
file = ../secrets/secret1
path = "/etc/secret1";;
mode = "770";
owner = "nginx";
group = "nginx";
0.7.7 Use Secrets Use Path of Secrets
users.users.user1 = {
isNormalUser = true;
passwordFile = config.age.secrets.secret1.path;
} Replace Inplace Strings With Secrets
Considering that there still might be some modules which doesn't support reading secrets from a file, you could provide a placeholder string instead of a clear-text password and replace this placeholder with the secret provided by Agenix.
In the following example, the Dex module creates the config file /run/dex/config.yaml containing the placeholder string @dex-user-password@. The activation script will read the Agenix secret from config.age.secret.dex-user-password.path and replace the placeholder string with the actual secret.
system.activationScripts."dex-user-secret" = ''
secret=$(cat "${config.age.secrets.dex-user-password.path}")
${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -i "s#@dex-user-password@#$secret#" "$configFile"
0.8 Mount WebDav Using AutoFS
I found this two links really helpful.
First you need to install agenix
as a way to manage your WebDav
Then you need to add the following to your configuration.nix
This will mount your WebDav
to /mnt/{{ mount-dir }}
age.secrets = {
webdav-secrets = {
file = ./secrets/{{ your secret file }};
owner = "root";
group = "root";
mode = "600";
# this is the path where the secret will be mounted
path = "/etc/davfs2/secrets";
# put the configuration for davfs2 in the /etc/davfs2 directory
environment.etc."davfs2/auto.mount" = {
# rw means read-write, ro means read-only
# you need to add backslash `\` before ':' and '#' in your url
text = ''
{{ mount-dir }} -fstype=davfs,conf=/etc/davfs2/conf,rw {{ your webdav url }}
mode = "0440";
environment.etc."davfs2/conf" = {
text = ''
secrets /etc/davfs2/secrets
mode = "0440";
# enable the service
services.davfs2.enable = true;
services.autofs = {
enable = true;
autoMaster = "/mnt/ /etc/davfs2/auto.mount";
0.9 Clean the System & Nix Store
# clean journalctl
services.cron = {
enable = true;
systemCronJobs = [
"0 0 * * * journalctl --vacuum-time=7d 1>/dev/null"
# garbange collection check
nix.gc.automatic = true; = true;
0.10 Enable the Mosh Server
# Enable mosh, the ssh alternative when client has bad connection
# Opens UDP ports 60000 ... 61000
programs.mosh.enable = true;
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPortRanges = [
from = 60000;
to = 61000;
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPortRanges = [
from = 60000;
to = 61000;
0.11 Enable Fail2Ban
services.fail2ban = {
enable = true;
maxretry = 5;
ignoreIP = [