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Group Theory Note

Date: 2024/11/26
Last Updated: 2024-12-17T17:24:37.000Z
Categories: Mathematics
Tags: Group Theory, Algebra, Mathematics, Math, Note
Read Time: 13 minutes

0.1 Contents

1 Group Theory Note

1.1 Introduction

This is my personal note on group theory.

1.2 Group Actions

1.2.1 Orbit and Stabilizer

1.2.2 Burnside's Lemma Group With 22 Conjugacy Classes

Group GG with 22 conjugacy classes, are particularly interesting. As only finite groups have 22 conjugacy classes, well be C2C_2. And any group with 22 conjugacy classes is simple. Thus, it may serve as a good example to infinite simple groups.

Theorem 1. If GG is a group with 22 conjugacy classes, then GG is simple.

Proof: As 11 itself is a conjugacy class, the other conjugacy class must be all the other elements.

Let NN be a non-trivial normal subgroup of GG. Take xNx \in N such that x1x\neq 1. Then for any yGy\in G, y1y\neq 1, there exists gGg\in G such that gxg1=ygxg^{-1} = y. Thus, N=GN=G.■

Theorem 2. If GG is a finite group with 22 conjugacy classes, then GG is isomorphic to C2C_2.

Proof: As 11 itself is a conjugacy class, the other conjugacy class must be all the other elements.

By Burnside's lemma, we have the following equation:

2=1GgGC(g)=1+1Gg1,gGC(g).2 = \frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{g\in G}|C(g)| = 1 + \frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{g\neq 1, g \in G}|C(g)|.

Where C(g)={xGgxg1=x}C(g) = \{x\in G \mid gxg^{-1} = x\}, which is the elements that is fixed by gg. As gg must fix 11 and itself, thus, for any g1g\neq 1, C(g)2|C(g)| \ge 2.

Therefore, we have the following inequality:

2=1+1Gg1,gGC(g)1+2G(G1)=2.2= 1 + \frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{g\neq 1, g \in G}|C(g)| \ge 1 + \frac{2}{|G|}(|G|-1) = 2.

Which then gives us the equality:

G2.|G| \le 2.

1.3 Abelian Group

In this section, we will only focus on Abelian groups. And we will use the additive notation for the group operation.

1.3.1 Free Abelian Group

Definition 1. An Abelian group FF is free Abelian if it is a direct sum of infinite cyclic groups. More precisely, there is a subset XFX \subseteq F of elements of infinite order, called a basis of FF, with F=xXF = \sum_{x\in X}; i.e., F=ZF = \sum\mathbb{Z}.

Theorem 3. There is an infinite p-primary group Z(p)\mathbb{Z}(p^{\infty}) each of whose proper subgroups is finite and cyclic.

Proof: We define a group GG have generators:

X={x0,x1,,xi,},iNX = \{x_0,x_1,\dots,x_i,\dots\}, i\in\mathbb{N}

with relations:

{px0,x0px1,x1px2,,xipxi+1,}\{ px_0, x_0 - px_1, x_1 - px_2, \dots, x_i - px_{i+1}, \dots \}

We let FF be the free Abelian group generated by XX. And let RFR \le F be the subgroup generated by the relations. Let ai=xi+RF/R=Ga_i = x_i + R \in F/R = G, as {x0,x1,}\{x_0,x_1,\dots\} form a basis of FF, {a0,a1,}\{a_0,a_1,\dots\} form a basis of GG. And as pa0=0pa_0 = 0, pa1=a0pa_1 = a_0, pa2=a1pa_2 = a_1, \dots, for every aia_i, we have pi+1ai=0p^{i+1}a_i = 0. So GG is a p-primary group.

To prove GG is infinite, we prove that aia_i are distinct. Assume ai=aja_i = a_j for some i<ji< j. Then by previous reasoning, we have ai=pjiaja_i = p^{j-i} a_j, which implies (pji1)aj=0(p^{j-i}-1) a_j= 0. And previous reasoning also shows that pj+1aj=0p^{j+1}a_j = 0. Thus, the order of aja_j must divides gcd(pj+1,pji1)=1\gcd(p^{j+1} , p^{j-i}-1) = 1. Which implies aj=0a_j = 0, which is a contradiction.

Take HH to be a proper subgroup of GG. By previous argument, for all j<ij< i, aja_j is in the cyclic group generated by aia_i. Thus, we have

G=i=0ai. G = \bigcup_{i=0}^{\infty} \langle a_i \rangle.

If HH is finite, then there must be nn such that HanH \subseteq \langle a_n \rangle. Then HH is a subgroup of finite and cyclic group, thus HH is finite and cyclic.

If HH is infinite, then there must be a sequence of elements in HH, say {h1,h2,}\{h_1, h_2, \dots\}, such that hianih_i \in \langle a_{n_i} \rangle, and hiani1h_i \notin \langle a_{n_i-1} \rangle. Assume hi=kanih_i = ka_{n_i}, then gcd(k,p)\gcd(k,p) must be 11, as otherwise hih_i will be in ani1\langle a_{n_i-1} \rangle. Then hih_i also generate ani\langle a_{n_i} \rangle, which implies aniHa_{n_i} \in H. And thus, aiH,ia_i \in H, \forall i, which implies H=GH = G.■

1.3.2 Divisible and Reduced Groups

Definition 2. A group GG is called divisible if for every aGa \in G and every positive integer nn, there exists an element bGb \in G such that nb=anb = a.

Example 1. The group Z(p)\mathbb{Z}(p^\infty) is divisible.

We define a group Z(p)\mathbb{Z}(p^\infty) have generators:

X={x0,x1,,xi,},iNX = \{x_0,x_1,\dots,x_i,\dots\}, i\in\mathbb{N}

with relations:

{px0,x0px1,x1px2,,xipxi+1,}\{ px_0, x_0 - px_1, x_1 - px_2, \dots, x_i - px_{i+1}, \dots \}

We let FF be the free Abelian group generated by XX. And let RFR \le F be the subgroup generated by the relations. Let ai=xi+RF/R=Ga_i = x_i + R \in F/R = G, as {x0,x1,}\{x_0,x_1,\dots\} form a basis of FF, {a0,a1,}\{a_0,a_1,\dots\} form a basis of GG. Also, pa0=0pa_0 = 0, pa1=a0pa_1 = a_0, pa2=a1pa_2 = a_1, \dots, therefore we have, for all j<ij< i, aja_j is in the cyclic group generated by aia_i. Thus, we have

G=i=0ai. G = \bigcup_{i=0}^{\infty} \langle a_i \rangle.

We take n=prmn=p^r m such that gcd(p,m)=1\gcd(p,m)=1. Then for any element bZ(p)b \in \mathbb{Z}(p^\infty), we have nn such that banb \in \langle a_n \rangle. Assume b=kanb = ka_n, we also take c=kan+rc = ka_{n+r}. Then, by the relation of generators, we have prc=bp^r c = b. As mm is co-prime with pp, by Bézout's identity, there exists x,yx,y such that mx+pn+r+1y=1mx + p^{n+r+1}y = 1. We take d=xcd = xc. Then

nd=prmxc=pr(1pn+r+1y)c=prcpn+2r+1yc=b0=b.\begin{aligned} nd &= p^r m xc \\ & = p^r(1-p^{n+r+1}y)c \\ & = p^r c - p^{n+2r+1}y c \\ & = b - 0 \\ & = b. \end{aligned}

Which finish the proof that Z(p)\mathbb{Z}(p^\infty) is divisible.

Theorem 4 (Injective Property, Baer, 1940). Let DD be a divisible group and let AA be a subgroup of a group BB. If f:ADf: A \rightarrow D is a homomorphism, then ff can be extended to a homomorphism ϕ:BD\phi: B \rightarrow D; that is, the following diagram commutes:


Proof: This theorem can be proved by Zorn's lemma, or an equivalent proof of well-ordering principle.

Consider F\mathcal{F} to be the set of all pairs (C,g)(C, g), where CC is a subgroup of BB containing AA and g:CDg: C \rightarrow D is a homomorphism extending ff. Note that F\mathcal{F} is non-empty as (A,f)F(A,f) \in \mathcal{F}.

We define a partial order on F\mathcal{F} by (C1,g1)(C2,g2)(C_1, g_1) \le (C_2, g_2) if C1C2C_1 \subseteq C_2 and g2C1=g1g_2|_{C_1} = g_1. Then for any chain {(Ci,gi)}iI\{(C_i, g_i)\}_{i\in I} in F\mathcal{F}, we can define C=iICiC = \bigcup_{i\in I} C_i and g:CDg: C \rightarrow D by g(c)=gi(c)g(c) = g_i(c) for cCic\in C_i. It is easy to check gg is well-defined and gg is a homomorphism. Thus, (C,g)(C,g) is an upper bound of the chain.

By Zorn's lemma, there exists a maximal element (B,g)(B', g') in F\mathcal{F}. If BBB' \neq B, then there exists bBBb \in B \setminus B'. And we discuss whether Bb=0B'\cap \langle b \rangle=0.

If Bb=0B'\cap \langle b \rangle=0, then we can extend gg' to B+bB' + \langle b \rangle by defining g(b)=0g'(b) = 0. Which contradicts the maximality of BB'.

If Bb0B'\cap \langle b \rangle \neq 0, then we can take kk to be the smallest positive integer such that kbBkb \in B'. Then as DD is divisible, we can find dDd \in D such that kd=kbkd = kb. Then we can extend gg' to B+bB' + \langle b \rangle by defining g(b)=dg'(b) = d. And it is easy to check that gg' is a homomorphism. Which contradicts the maximality of BB'.■

Follows from the injective property, we have the following corollary:

Corollary 1. If a divisible group DD is a subgroup of a group BB, then DD is a direct summand of BB.

Proof: We consider the following diagram:


As DD is divisible, we can extend 1D1_D to φ:BD\varphi: B \rightarrow D. By theorem in group extension, we have B=DkerφB = D \oplus \ker \varphi.■

Definition 3. If GG is a group, then dGdG is the subgroup of GG generated by all divisible subgroups of GG.

Note that dGdG is invariant under all automorphism of GG. As image of any divisible subgroup is also divisible.

Lemma 1. For any group FF, dGdG is the unique maximal divisible subgroup of GG.

Proof: We first prove that dGdG is divisible. For any adGa \in dG and nNn \in \mathbb{N}, there exists HH which is a divisible subgroup of GG such that aHa \in H. As HH is divisible, there exists bHb \in H such that nb=anb = a. And as HH is a subgroup of dGdG, bdGb \in dG.

The maximal is obvious, as if there exists a divisible subgroup HH such that dGHGdG \subset H \subset G, then HdGH \subset dG, by the definition of dGdG.

It is unique as if there exists another maximal divisible subgroup HH, then H,dG\langle H, dG \rangle is also a divisible subgroup, then H,dGdG\langle H, dG \rangle \subset dG.■

Definition 4. A group GG is called reduced if dG=0dG = 0.

Theorem 5. For every group GG, there exists a decomposition G=dGRG = dG \oplus R, where dGdG is divisible and RR is reduced.

Proof: Since dGdG is divisible, by corollary of injective property, dGdG is a direct summand of GG. Thus, there exists RGR\le G such that G=dGRG = dG \oplus R.

Next, we prove that RR is reduced. If RR is not reduced, then there exists a non-zero element rRr \in R such that for every nNn \in \mathbb{N}, rr is divisible by nn. Then take an element adGa \in dG, then a+rdGRa+r \in dG \oplus R is also divisible by nn for every nNn \in \mathbb{N}. Which contradicts the maximally of dGdG.■

Every abelian group is an extension of the torsion group tGtG by a torsion free subgroup, but tGtG need not to be a direct summand of GG. However, dGdG is a direct summand of GG.

Definition 5. Given a group GG define G[n]={xGnx=0}G[n] = \{x\in G \mid nx = 0\}.

Lemma 2. If GG and HH are divisible p-primary group, then GHG \cong H if and only if G[p]H[p]G[p] \cong H[p].

Proof: The "only if" part is obvious. For the "if" part, we define ϕ:G[p]H[p]\phi: G[p] \rightarrow H[p], to be the isomorphism between G[p]G[p] and H[p]H[p]. Then ϕ\phi is also a homomorphism from G[p]G[p] to HH. By previous lemma, we can extend ϕ\phi to a homomorphism Φ:GH\Phi: G \rightarrow H. And we prove that Φ\Phi is injective first.

For injectivity, we prove this by induction on n1n \ge 1, that if pnx=0p^n x = 0, and Φ(x)=0\Phi(x) = 0, then x=0x = 0. The base case n=1n=1 is obvious, as now xG[p]x \in G[p], which means 0=Φ(x)=ϕ(x)0=\Phi(x) = \phi(x), and as ϕ\phi is isomorphic, x=0x = 0. Now we assume the statement is true for n1n-1, and we prove it for nn. If pnx=0p^n x = 0, then pn1(px)=0p^{n-1} (px) = 0, also Φ(x)=0\Phi(x) = 0 must implies Φ(px)=0\Phi(px) = 0, thus by the induction hypothesis, px=0px = 0, which implies x=0x = 0 by the base case.

As Φ\Phi is injective, Φ:GIm(Φ)\Phi: G \rightarrow \text{Im}(\Phi) is an isomorphism. And we define ϕ:Im(Φ)G\phi': \text{Im}(\Phi) \rightarrow G as the inverse of Φ\Phi. Also, note that the inverse of ϕ\phi' extends the inverse of ϕ\phi, as it is easy to check ϕH[p]=ϕ1\phi'\mid H[p] = \phi^{-1}. As ϕ\phi' is a homomorphism from a subgroup of HH to GG, by previous lemma, we can extend ϕ\phi' to a homomorphism Φ:HG\Phi': H \rightarrow G. As ϕ\phi' is a surjection by definition, Φ\Phi' is also a surjection. And also as Φ\Phi' extends ϕ1\phi^{-1}, apply a similar reasoning as above, we have Φ\Phi' is injective. Thus, Φ\Phi' is an isomorphism.■

Theorem 6. Every divisible group DD is a direct sum of copies of Q\mathbb{Q} and of copies of Z(p)\mathbb{Z}(p^\infty) for various primes pp.

Proof: It is easy to check that tDtD, the torsion group of DD is divisible, so tDtD is a direct summand of DD. Thus, there exists VDV \subset D such that D=tDVD= tD \oplus V. As now VV is torsion free, and divisible, it is a vector space over Q\mathbb{Q}, and thus, VV is a direct sum of copies of Q\mathbb{Q}.

Now we prove that tDtD is a direct sum of copies of Z(p)\mathbb{Z}(p^\infty), for various primes pp. For prime pp, let Bp={xtDpnx=0 for some nN}B_p = \{ x \in tD \mid p^nx = 0 \text{ for some } n \in \mathbb{N} \}. Then BpB_p is a divisible p-primary group. It is easy to check that tD=pBptD = \bigoplus_{p} B_p. So, we only focus on BpB_p.

It is easy to check that the group Bp[p]B_p[p] is now a vector space over Fp\mathbb{F}_p, let rpr_p be the dimension of Bp[p]B_p[p]. By previous lemma, BpB_p is isomorphic to direct sum of rpr_p copies of Z(p)\mathbb{Z}(p^\infty).■

There is an analogy between theorems about free Abelian groups and divisible groups, that may be formalized as follows. Given a commutative diagram containing exact sequences, then its dual diagram is the diagram obtained by reversing all the arrows. For example, the dual diagram of 0AB0 \rightarrow A \rightarrow B is BA0B^* \rightarrow A^* \rightarrow 0, and this leads on the say that "subgroup" and "quotient" are dual concepts.

Theorem 7. Every group GG can be embedded in a divisible group DD.

Proof: As every Abelian group can be written as F/RF/R, where FF is a free Abelian group and RR is a subgroup of FF. Now F=ZF = \sum \mathbb{Z}, so that FQF \le \sum \mathbb{Q}. Hence, G=F/R=(Z)/R(Q)/RG = F/R = (\sum\mathbb{Z})/R \le (\sum\mathbb{Q})/R. As (Q)/R(\sum\mathbb{Q})/R is a quotient of a divisible group, it is divisible.■

Corollary 2. A group GG is divisible if and only if it is a direct summand of any group containing it.

Proof: By previous theorem, we can embed GG in a divisible group DD. Then GG is a direct summand of DD. And any direct summand of divisible group is divisible.■ Exercises

Exercise 1. If 0ABC00 \rightarrow A \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow 0 is an exact sequence and if AA and CC are reduced, then BB is reduced.

Proof: We name the maps in the exact sequence as follows:


As ii is injective, we now assume ABA \le B. Assume BB is not reduced, then dB0dB \neq 0. Then, j(dB)j(dB) is divisible, as it is a quotient of divisible group. Because CC is reduced, j(dB)=0j(dB) = 0, which implies, dBkerj=Imi=AdB \le \ker j = \text{Im} i = A. As AA is reduced, dB=0dB = 0.■

Exercise 2.

  • Prove that Q/Z=pZ(p)\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} = \sum_p \mathbb{Z}(p^\infty).
  • Prove that Q/Z[n]Zn\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}[n] \cong \mathbb{Z}_n.

Proof: As Q/Z\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} is a quotient of divisible group, it is divisible. Also given abQ/Z\frac{a}{b} \in \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}, we have bab=0b \frac{a}{b} = 0. Thus, tQ/Z=Q/Zt\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} = \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}, and Q/Z\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} contains no summand of Q\mathbb{Q}.

It is easy to check that:

Q/Z[p]={abQ/Zgcd(a,b)=1,b=p}. \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}[p] = \{ \frac{a}{b} \in \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} \mid \gcd(a,b) = 1, b = p \}.

Then it is a cyclic group of order pp, which is isomorphic to Z(p)[p]\mathbb{Z}(p^\infty)[p]. Then by previous theorem and lemma, we have, Q/Z=pZ(p)\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} = \sum_p \mathbb{Z}(p^\infty).

For the second part, we factorize n=p1r1pkrkn = p_1^{r_1} \dots p_k^{r_k}. Then we have:

Q/Z[n]=(pZ(p))[n]=p(Z(p)[n])=i=1k(Z(pi)[piri])=i=1kZpiri=Zn.\begin{aligned} \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}[n] &= (\sum_p \mathbb{Z}(p^\infty))[n] \\ &= \sum_p (\mathbb{Z}(p^\infty)[n]) \\ &= \sum_{i = 1}^{k} (\mathbb{Z}(p_i^\infty)[p_i^{r_i}]) \\ &= \sum_{i = 1}^{k} \mathbb{Z}_{p_i^{r_i}} \\ &= \mathbb{Z}_n. \end{aligned}

Exercise 3. Prove that a group GG is divisible if and only if GG has the injective property.

Proof: The "only if" part is given by previous theorem. For the "if" part, we prove that if a group DD contains GG, GG is a direct summand of DD. And then by previous corollary, GG is divisible.

By injective property, we have the following diagram, where φ\varphi is an extension of 1G1_G.


Then by previous theorem about group extension, GG is a direct summand of DD.■

Exercise 4. A group GG is divisible if and only if G=pGG = pG for all prime pp.

Proof: If GG is divisible, then for any element gGg \in G, as GG is divisible, there exists hGh \in G such that ph=gph = g. Thus, we have GpGG \le pG. And as pGGpG \le G obviously, we have G=pGG = pG.

Then, if G=pGG = pG for all prime pp, then for any nNn\in \mathbb{N}, we do induction on nn. The base case n=1n=1 is obvious, any element gGg \in G is divisible by 11. Now we assume that any element gGg \in G is divisible by all natural numbers less than nn, and we prove that gg is divisible by nn. If nn is a prime, then as G=nGG = nG, there exists hGh \in G such that nh=gnh = g. If nn is not a prime, then there exists n11n_1 \neq 1 and n21n_2 \neq 1 such that n=n1n2n = n_1 n_2. As gg is now divisible by n1n_1 by induction hypothesis, there exists h1Gh_1 \in G such that n1h1=gn_1 h_1 = g. And as h1h_1 is now divisible by n2n_2 by induction hypothesis, there exists h2Gh_2 \in G such that n2h2=h1n_2 h_2 = h_1. Thus, nh2=gn h_2 = g.■

Exercise 5. A pp-primary group GG is divisible if and only if G=pGG=pG.

Proof: If GG is divisible, then for any element gGg \in G, as GG is divisible, there exists hGh \in G such that ph=gph = g. Thus, we have GpGG \le pG. And as pGGpG \le G obviously, we have G=pGG = pG.

Then, if G=pGG = pG, then for any nNn\in \mathbb{N}, we do induction on nn. The base case n=1n=1 is obvious, any element gGg \in G is divisible by 11. Now we assume that any element gGg \in G is divisible by all natural numbers less than nn, and we prove that gg is divisible by nn. If n=pn = p, then as G=pGG = pG, there exists hGh \in G such that ph=gph = g. If nn is a prime that is not pp, then we assume the order of gg is prp^r, and by Bézout identity, there exists x,yx,y such that prx+ny=1p^rx + ny = 1. Then we have n(yg)=nyg=(1prx)g=gn (yg) = ny g = (1-p^rx)g = g, thus gg is divisible by nn. If nn is not a prime, then there exists n11n_1 \neq 1 and n21n_2 \neq 1 such that n=n1n2n = n_1 n_2. As gg is now divisible by n1n_1 by induction hypothesis, there exists h1Gh_1 \in G such that n1h1=gn_1 h_1 = g. And as h1h_1 is now divisible by n2n_2 by induction hypothesis, there exists h2Gh_2 \in G such that n2h2=h1n_2 h_2 = h_1.■

Exercise 6. The following are equivalent for a group GG:

  1. GG is divisible.
  2. Every non-zero quotient of GG is infinite.
  3. GG has no maximal proper subgroup.

Proof: From 1 to 2: If GG is divisible, then for any non-zero quotient HH of GG, HH is divisible. And by previous theorem, HH is a direct summand of Q\mathbb{Q}, and Z(p)\mathbb{Z}(p^\infty), thus HH is infinite.

From 2 to 3: We assume GG has HH as a maximal proper subgroup, and derive a contradiction. As HH is maximal, G/HG/H is simple. And by 2, G/HG/H is infinite. Take xG/Hx \in G/H, if xx has finite order, then x\langle x \rangle is a proper subgroup of G/HG/H, contradicts the simplicity of G/HG/H. If xx has infinite order, then 2x\langle 2x \rangle is a proper subgroup of G/HG/H, contradicts the simplicity of G/HG/H.

From 3 to 1: We assume that GG has no maximal proper subgroup, and GG is now not divisible, and tries to derive a contradiction. As GG is not divisible, then there exists pp such that GpGG \neq pG. And we assume φ:GG/pG\varphi: G \rightarrow G/pG is the canonical map. Then G/pG[p]=G/pGG/pG[p] = G/pG, obviously. Thus, G/pGG/pG is a vector space over Fp\mathbb{F}_p, we select a basis of G/pGG/pG, namely {x1,x2,}\{x_1, x_2, \dots\}. Then, we define ϕ:G/pGFp\phi: G/pG \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_p by ϕ(m1x2+m2x2+)=m1\phi(m_1 x_2 + m_2 x_2 + \dots) = m_1. Then ϕ\phi is a surjection. And ϕφ:GFp\phi\varphi: G \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_p is a surjection. Thus, kerϕφ\ker{\phi\varphi} is a maximal proper subgroup of GG, which contradicts the assumption.■

Exercise 7. If GG and HH are divisible groups each of which is isomorphic to a subgroup of the other, then GHG \cong H. Is this true if we drop the adjective "divisible"?

Proof: Let φ:GH\varphi: G \rightarrow H be the embedding of GG to the subgroup of HH that is isomorphic to GG. And let ψ:HG\psi: H \rightarrow G be the embedding of HH to the subgroup of GG that is isomorphic to HH. Then for any prime pp, we can restrict φ\varphi and ψ\psi to G[p]G[p] and H[p]H[p], and we have φ[p]:G[p]H[p]\varphi[p]: G[p] \rightarrow H[p] and ψ[p]:H[p]G[p]\psi[p]: H[p] \rightarrow G[p]. As G[p]G[p] and H[p]H[p] are now vector spaces over Fp\mathbb{F}_p, and as we have the embedding as above, the dimension of G[p]G[p] is less than or equal to the dimension of H[p]H[p], and vice versa. Thus, the dimension of G[p]G[p] is equal to the dimension of H[p]H[p]. And thus, G[p]G[p] is isomorphic to H[p]H[p]. By previous lemma, tGtG is isomorphic to tHtH.

For the torsion free part, we define G=G/tGG' = G/tG and H=H/tHH' = H/tH. And φ:GH\varphi' : G' \rightarrow H' by ϕ(g+tG)=φ(g)+tH\phi'(g + tG) = \varphi(g) + tH, and ψ:HG\psi' : H' \rightarrow G' by ψ(h+tH)=ψ(h)+tG\psi'(h + tH) = \psi(h) + tG. To prove φ\varphi' is well-defined, we assume g+tG=g+tGg + tG = g' + tG, then there exists ttGt \in tG such that g=g+tg = g' + t, thus we have:

φ(g+tG)φ(g+tG)=φ(g)φ(g)+tH=φ(g)+φ(t)φ(g)+tH=φ(t)+tH\begin{aligned} \varphi'(g+tG) - \varphi'(g'+ tG) &= \varphi(g) - \varphi(g') + tH \\ &= \varphi(g') + \varphi(t) - \varphi(g') + tH \\ &= \varphi(t) + tH \\ \end{aligned}

As ttGt\in tG, φ(t)tH\varphi(t) \in tH, thus φ(g+tG)=φ(g+tG)\varphi'(g+tG) = \varphi'(g'+ tG). In the same way, we can prove ψ\psi' is well-defined.

We then check that φ\varphi' is injective. Assume φ(g+tG)=0+tH\varphi'(g + tG) = 0 + tH, then φ(g)tH\varphi(g) \in tH. As φ\varphi is an isomorphism between GG and Img(φ)\text{Img}(\varphi), the order of gg is same as the order of φ(g)\varphi(g) in Img(φ)\text{Img}(\varphi), thus gtGg \in tG. In the same way, we can prove ψ\psi' is injective.

Also, G/tGG/tG and H/tHH/tH are divisible, thus are vector spaces over Q\mathbb{Q}, and as both φ\varphi' and ψ\psi' are injective, the dimension of G/tGG/tG is equal to the dimension of H/tHH/tH.

Thus, GG is isomorphic to HH.

If we drop the adjective "divisible", then the statement is not true. For instance, we take G=Qω=iNQG = \mathbb{Q}^{\omega} = \prod_{i\in \mathbb{N}} \mathbb{Q}. And H=Z×GH = Z \times G. Then GG is obviously divisible, but HH is not.

We define φ:GH\varphi: G \rightarrow H by φ((qi)iN)=(0,(qi)iN)\varphi((q_i)_{i\in \mathbb{N}}) = (0, (q_i)_{i\in \mathbb{N}}). And ψ:HG\psi: H \rightarrow G by ψ((z,(qi)iN))=(z,(qi1)iN{0})\psi((z, (q_i)_{i\in \mathbb{N}})) = (z, (q_{i-1})_{i\in \mathbb{N}\setminus\{0\}}). Then both φ\varphi and ψ\psi are injective, which are both embedding. But GG is not isomorphic to HH, as one is divisible and the other is not.■

Exercise 8.

  1. Prove that the following groups are all isomorphic:
    1. R/Z\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}.
    2. The circle group T\mathbf{T}.
    3. pZ(p)\prod_p\mathbb{Z}(p^{\infty}).
    4. R(Q/Z)\mathbb{R}\oplus(\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}).
    5. C×\mathbb{C}^{\times}.
  2. Prove that t(C×)Q/Zt(\mathbb{C}^{\times})\cong \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}.

Proof: The isomorphism between R/Z\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z} and the circle group is obvious.

By consider a real number as decimal representation, the cardinality of R/Z\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z} is the same as pZ(p)\prod_p\mathbb{Z}(p^{\infty}). And it is also easy to verify that the torsion group of R/Z\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z} and pZ(p)\prod_p\mathbb{Z}(p^{\infty}) is isomorphic to pZ(p)\sum_p\mathbb{Z}(p^{\infty}). Thus, (R/Z)/t(R/Z)(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})/t(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}) and (pZ(p))/t(pZ(p))(\prod_p\mathbb{Z}(p^{\infty}))/t(\prod_p\mathbb{Z}(p^{\infty})) must have the same cardinality, by looking at the cardinal number division. And we could say (R/Z)/t(R/Z)(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})/t(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}) and (pZ(p))/t(pZ(p))(\prod_p\mathbb{Z}(p^{\infty}))/t(\prod_p\mathbb{Z}(p^{\infty})) have the say dimension, again by cardinal number arithmetic. Thus, they are isomorphic.

As Q/ZpZ(p)\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z} \cong \sum_p\mathbb{Z}(p^{\infty}), (R(Q/Z))/t(R(Q/Z))=R (\mathbb{R}\oplus(\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z})) / t(\mathbb{R}\oplus(\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z})) = \mathbb{R}. Thus, we only need to verify that R\mathbb{R} is isomorphic to (R/Z)/(Q/Z)(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})/(\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}), which is equal to R/Q\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Q}. As R\mathbb{R} is an infinite dimensional vector space over Q\mathbb{Q}, quotient by Q\mathbb{Q} will minus one dimension, thus, the dimension of R/Q\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Q} is equal the dimension of R\mathbb{R}, which verify that R\mathbb{R} is isomorphic to R/Q\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Q}.

As C×\mathbb{C}^{\times} is isomorphic to R+×T\mathbb{R}_{+}^{\times}\oplus\mathbf{T}, which R+×\mathbb{R}_{+}^{\times} is the multiplicative group of positive real numbers. And R+×\mathbb{R}_{+}^{\times} is isomorphic to R\mathbb{R}, by the natural logarithm map. Thus, C×RT\mathbb{C}^{\times}\cong \mathbb{R} \oplus \mathbf{T}, and t(C×)=Q/Zt(\mathbb{C}^{\times}) = \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}. Also (C×)/t(C×)R((R/Z)/(R/Z)) (\mathbb{C}^{\times})/t(\mathbb{C}^{\times}) \cong \mathbb{R} \oplus ((\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})/(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})). By above discussion, we already now that (R/Z)/(R/Z)R(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})/(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}) \cong \mathbb{R}, thus, (C×)/t(C×)RR (\mathbb{C}^{\times})/t(\mathbb{C}^{\times}) \cong \mathbb{R} \oplus \mathbb{R}. It is obvious that RR\mathbb{R} \oplus \mathbb{R} is then a vector space over Q\mathbb{Q}, and the dimension of it is equal to square of the dimension of R\mathbb{R}. By the cardinal number arithmetic, square of infinite cardinal number is still the same as the original infinite cardinal number. Thus, we have RRR\mathbb{R} \oplus \mathbb{R} \cong \mathbb{R}. Then by previous result, we have R/ZC×\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z} \cong \mathbb{C}^{\times}.■