Group G with 2 conjugacy classes, are particularly interesting.
As only finite groups have 2 conjugacy classes, well be C2ā.
And any group with 2 conjugacy classes is simple.
Thus, it may serve as a good example to infinite simple groups.
Theorem 1. If G is a group with 2 conjugacy classes, then G is simple.
Proof: As 1 itself is a conjugacy class, the other conjugacy class must be all the other elements.
Let N be a non-trivial normal subgroup of G.
Take xāN such that xī =1.
Then for any yāG, yī =1,
there exists gāG such that gxgā1=y.
Thus, N=G.ā
Theorem 2. If G is a finite group with 2 conjugacy classes, then G is isomorphic to C2ā.
Proof: As 1 itself is a conjugacy class, the other conjugacy class must be all the other elements.
By Burnside's lemma, we have the following equation:
Definition 1. An Abelian group F is free Abelian if it is a direct sum of infinite cyclic groups.
More precisely, there is a subset XāF of elements of infinite order,
called a basis of F, with F=āxāXā; i.e., F=āZ.
Theorem 3. There is an infinite p-primary group Z(pā)
each of whose proper subgroups is finite and cyclic.
We let F be the free Abelian group generated by X.
And let Rā¤F be the subgroup generated by the relations.
Let aiā=xiā+RāF/R=G, as {x0ā,x1ā,ā¦} form a basis of F,
{a0ā,a1ā,ā¦} form a basis of G.
And as pa0ā=0, pa1ā=a0ā, pa2ā=a1ā, ā¦,
for every aiā, we have pi+1aiā=0. So G is a p-primary group.
To prove G is infinite, we prove that aiā are distinct.
Assume aiā=ajā for some i<j.
Then by previous reasoning, we have aiā=pjāiajā,
which implies (pjāiā1)ajā=0.
And previous reasoning also shows that pj+1ajā=0.
Thus, the order of ajā must divides gcd(pj+1,pjāiā1)=1.
Which implies ajā=0, which is a contradiction.
Take H to be a proper subgroup of G.
By previous argument, for all j<i,
ajā is in the cyclic group generated by aiā.
Thus, we have
We let F be the free Abelian group generated by X.
And let Rā¤F be the subgroup generated by the relations.
Let aiā=xiā+RāF/R=G, as {x0ā,x1ā,ā¦} form a basis of F,
{a0ā,a1ā,ā¦} form a basis of G.
Also, pa0ā=0, pa1ā=a0ā, pa2ā=a1ā, ā¦,
therefore we have,
for all j<i,
ajā is in the cyclic group generated by aiā.
Thus, we have
Theorem 4 (Injective Property, Baer, 1940). Let D be a divisible group and let A be a subgroup of a group B.
If f:AāD is a homomorphism,
then f can be extended to a homomorphism Ļ:BāD;
that is, the following diagram commutes:
Proof: This theorem can be proved by Zorn's lemma, or an equivalent proof of well-ordering principle.
Consider F to be the set of all pairs (C,g),
where C is a subgroup of B containing A and g:CāD is a homomorphism extending f.
Note that F is non-empty as (A,f)āF.
We define a partial order on F by (C1ā,g1ā)ā¤(C2ā,g2ā) if C1āāC2ā and g2āā£C1āā=g1ā.
Then for any chain {(Ciā,giā)}iāIā in F,
we can define C=āiāIāCiā and g:CāD by g(c)=giā(c) for cāCiā.
It is easy to check g is well-defined and g is a homomorphism.
Thus, (C,g) is an upper bound of the chain.
Follows from the injective property, we have the following corollary:
Corollary 1. If a divisible group D is a subgroup of a group B,
then D is a direct summand of B.
Proof: We consider the following diagram:
As D is divisible, we can extend 1Dā to Ļ:BāD.
By theorem in group extension, we have B=DākerĻ.ā
Definition 3. If G is a group, then dG is the subgroup of G generated by all divisible subgroups of G.
Note that dG is invariant under all automorphism of G.
As image of any divisible subgroup is also divisible.
Lemma 1. For any group F, dG is the unique maximal divisible subgroup of G.
Proof: We first prove that dG is divisible.
For any aādG and nāN,
there exists H which is a divisible subgroup of G such that aāH.
As H is divisible, there exists bāH such that nb=a.
And as H is a subgroup of dG, bādG.
The maximal is obvious,
as if there exists a divisible subgroup H such that dGāHāG,
then HādG, by the definition of dG.
Definition 4. A group G is called reduced if dG=0.
Theorem 5. For every group G, there exists a decomposition G=dGāR,
where dG is divisible and R is reduced.
Proof: Since dG is divisible, by corollary of injective property, dG is a direct summand of G. Thus, there exists Rā¤G such that G=dGāR.
Next, we prove that R is reduced.
If R is not reduced, then there exists a non-zero element rāR such that
for every nāN, r is divisible by n.
Then take an element aādG, then a+rādGāR is also divisible by n
for every nāN.
Which contradicts the maximally of dG.ā
Every abelian group is an extension of the torsion group tG by a torsion free subgroup, but tG need not to be a direct summand of G.
However, dG is a direct summand of G.
Definition 5. Given a group G define G[n]={xāGā£nx=0}.
Lemma 2. If G and H are divisible p-primary group, then Gā H
if and only if G[p]ā H[p].
Proof: The "only if" part is obvious.
For the "if" part, we define Ļ:G[p]āH[p],
to be the isomorphism between G[p] and H[p].
Then Ļ is also a homomorphism from G[p] to H.
By previous lemma, we can extend Ļ to a homomorphism Ī¦:GāH.
And we prove that Ī¦ is injective first.
For injectivity, we prove this by induction on nā„1,
that if pnx=0, and Ī¦(x)=0, then x=0.
The base case n=1 is obvious, as now xāG[p],
which means 0=Ī¦(x)=Ļ(x), and as Ļ is isomorphic,
Now we assume the statement is true for nā1,
and we prove it for n.
If pnx=0, then pnā1(px)=0,
also Ī¦(x)=0 must implies Ī¦(px)=0,
thus by the induction hypothesis, px=0,
which implies x=0 by the base case.
As Ī¦ is injective, Ī¦:GāIm(Ī¦) is an isomorphism.
And we define Ļā²:Im(Ī¦)āG as the inverse of Ī¦.
Also, note that the inverse of Ļā² extends the inverse of Ļ,
as it is easy to check Ļā²ā£H[p]=Ļā1.
As Ļā² is a homomorphism from a subgroup of H to G,
by previous lemma, we can extend Ļā² to a homomorphism Ī¦ā²:HāG.
As Ļā² is a surjection by definition, Ī¦ā² is also a surjection.
And also as Ī¦ā² extends Ļā1,
apply a similar reasoning as above, we have Ī¦ā² is injective.
Thus, Ī¦ā² is an isomorphism.ā
Theorem 6. Every divisible group D is a direct sum of copies of
Q and of copies of Z(pā) for various primes p.
Proof: It is easy to check that tD, the torsion group of D is divisible,
so tD is a direct summand of D.
Thus, there exists VāD such that D=tDāV.
As now V is torsion free, and divisible, it is a vector space over Q,
and thus, V is a direct sum of copies of Q.
Now we prove that tD is a direct sum of copies of Z(pā),
for various primes p.
For prime p, let Bpā={xātDā£pnx=0Ā forĀ someĀ nāN}.
Then Bpā is a divisible p-primary group.
It is easy to check that tD=āØpāBpā.
So, we only focus on Bpā.
It is easy to check that the group Bpā[p] is now a vector space over Fpā,
let rpā be the dimension of Bpā[p].
By previous lemma, Bpā is isomorphic to direct sum of rpā copies of Z(pā).ā
There is an analogy between theorems about free Abelian groups and divisible groups,
that may be formalized as follows.
Given a commutative diagram containing exact sequences,
then its dual diagram is the diagram obtained by reversing all the arrows.
For example, the dual diagram of 0āAāB is BāāAāā0,
and this leads on the say that "subgroup" and "quotient" are dual concepts.
Theorem 7. Every group G can be embedded in a divisible group D.
Proof: As every Abelian group can be written as F/R,
where F is a free Abelian group and R is a subgroup of F.
Now F=āZ, so that Fā¤āQ.
Hence, G=F/R=(āZ)/Rā¤(āQ)/R.
As (āQ)/R is a quotient of a divisible group, it is divisible.ā
Corollary 2. A group G is divisible if and only if it is a direct summand of any group containing it.
Proof: By previous theorem, we can embed G in a divisible group D.
Then G is a direct summand of D.
And any direct summand of divisible group is divisible.ā
Exercise 1. If 0āAāBāCā0
is an exact sequence and if A and C are reduced,
then B is reduced.
Proof: We name the maps in the exact sequence as follows:
As i is injective, we now assume Aā¤B.
Assume B is not reduced, then dBī =0.
Then, j(dB) is divisible, as it is a quotient of divisible group.
Because C is reduced, j(dB)=0,
which implies, dBā¤kerj=Imi=A.
As A is reduced, dB=0.ā
Exercise 2.
Prove that Q/Z=āpāZ(pā).
Prove that Q/Z[n]ā Znā.
Proof: As Q/Z is a quotient of divisible group, it is divisible.
Also given baāāQ/Z,
we have bbaā=0.
Thus, tQ/Z=Q/Z,
and Q/Z contains no summand of Q.
It is easy to check that:
Then it is a cyclic group of order p,
which is isomorphic to Z(pā)[p].
Then by previous theorem and lemma, we have, Q/Z=āpāZ(pā).
For the second part, we factorize n=p1r1āāā¦pkrkāā.
Then we have:
Exercise 3. Prove that a group G is divisible if and only if G has
the injective property.
Proof: The "only if" part is given by previous theorem.
For the "if" part, we prove that if a group D contains G,
G is a direct summand of D.
And then by previous corollary, G is divisible.
By injective property, we have the following diagram,
where Ļ is an extension of 1Gā.
Then by previous theorem about group extension,
G is a direct summand of D.ā
Exercise 4. A group G is divisible if and only if G=pG for all prime p.
Proof: If G is divisible,
then for any element gāG, as G is divisible,
there exists hāG such that ph=g.
Thus, we have Gā¤pG.
And as pGā¤G obviously, we have G=pG.
Then, if G=pG for all prime p,
then for any nāN,
we do induction on n.
The base case n=1 is obvious,
any element gāG is divisible by 1.
Now we assume that any element gāG is divisible by all natural numbers less than n,
and we prove that g is divisible by n.
If n is a prime, then as G=nG, there exists hāG such that nh=g.
If n is not a prime, then there exists n1āī =1 and n2āī =1 such that n=n1ān2ā.
As g is now divisible by n1ā by induction hypothesis,
there exists h1āāG such that n1āh1ā=g.
And as h1ā is now divisible by n2ā by induction hypothesis,
there exists h2āāG such that n2āh2ā=h1ā.
Thus, nh2ā=g.ā
Exercise 5. A p-primary group G is divisible if and only if G=pG.
Proof: If G is divisible,
then for any element gāG, as G is divisible,
there exists hāG such that ph=g.
Thus, we have Gā¤pG.
And as pGā¤G obviously, we have G=pG.
Exercise 6. The following are equivalent for a group G:
G is divisible.
Every non-zero quotient of G is infinite.
G has no maximal proper subgroup.
Proof: From 1 to 2:
If G is divisible,
then for any non-zero quotient H of G,
H is divisible.
And by previous theorem, H is a direct summand of Q,
and Z(pā),
thus H is infinite.
From 3 to 1:
We assume that G has no maximal proper subgroup,
and G is now not divisible, and tries to derive a contradiction.
As G is not divisible, then there exists p such that Gī =pG.
And we assume Ļ:GāG/pG is the canonical map.
Then G/pG[p]=G/pG, obviously.
Thus, G/pG is a vector space over Fpā,
we select a basis of G/pG, namely {x1ā,x2ā,ā¦}.
Then, we define Ļ:G/pGāFpā by
Ļ(m1āx2ā+m2āx2ā+ā¦)=m1ā. Then Ļ is a surjection.
And ĻĻ:GāFpā is a surjection.
Thus, kerĻĻ is a maximal proper subgroup of G,
which contradicts the assumption.ā
Exercise 7. If G and H are divisible groups each of which is
isomorphic to a subgroup of the other,
then Gā H.
Is this true if we drop the adjective "divisible"?
Proof: Let Ļ:GāH be the embedding of G to the
subgroup of H that is isomorphic to G.
And let Ļ:HāG be the embedding of H to the
subgroup of G that is isomorphic to H.
Then for any prime p,
we can restrict Ļ and Ļ to G[p] and H[p],
and we have Ļ[p]:G[p]āH[p] and Ļ[p]:H[p]āG[p].
As G[p] and H[p] are now vector spaces over Fpā,
and as we have the embedding as above,
the dimension of G[p] is less than or equal to the dimension of H[p], and vice versa.
Thus, the dimension of G[p] is equal to the dimension of H[p].
And thus, G[p] is isomorphic to H[p].
By previous lemma, tG is isomorphic to tH.
For the torsion free part,
we define Gā²=G/tG and Hā²=H/tH.
And Ļā²:Gā²āHā² by Ļā²(g+tG)=Ļ(g)+tH, and Ļā²:Hā²āGā² by Ļā²(h+tH)=Ļ(h)+tG.
To prove Ļā² is well-defined, we assume g+tG=gā²+tG,
then there exists tātG such that g=gā²+t,
thus we have:
As tātG, Ļ(t)ātH,
thus Ļā²(g+tG)=Ļā²(gā²+tG).
In the same way, we can prove Ļā² is well-defined.
We then check that Ļā² is injective.
Assume Ļā²(g+tG)=0+tH,
then Ļ(g)ātH.
As Ļ is an isomorphism between G and Img(Ļ),
the order of g is same as the order of Ļ(g) in Img(Ļ),
thus gātG.
In the same way, we can prove Ļā² is injective.
Also, G/tG and H/tH are divisible,
thus are vector spaces over Q,
and as both Ļā² and Ļā² are injective,
the dimension of G/tG is equal to the dimension of H/tH.
Thus, G is isomorphic to H.
If we drop the adjective "divisible",
then the statement is not true.
For instance, we take G=QĻ=āiāNāQ.
And H=ZĆG.
Then G is obviously divisible, but H is not.
We define Ļ:GāH by Ļ((qiā)iāNā)=(0,(qiā)iāNā).
And Ļ:HāG by Ļ((z,(qiā)iāNā))=(z,(qiā1ā)iāNā{0}ā).
Then both Ļ and Ļ are injective,
which are both embedding.
But G is not isomorphic to H, as one is divisible and the other is not.ā
Exercise 8.
Prove that the following groups are all isomorphic:
The circle group T.
Prove that t(CĆ)ā Q/Z.
Proof: The isomorphism between R/Z and
the circle group is obvious.
By consider a real number as decimal representation,
the cardinality of R/Z
is the same as āpāZ(pā).
And it is also easy to verify that the torsion group of
R/Z and āpāZ(pā)
is isomorphic to āpāZ(pā).
Thus, (R/Z)/t(R/Z)
must have the same cardinality,
by looking at the cardinal number division.
And we could say (R/Z)/t(R/Z)
have the say dimension, again by cardinal number arithmetic.
Thus, they are isomorphic.
As Q/Zā āpāZ(pā),
Thus, we only need to verify that R is isomorphic to
which is equal to R/Q.
As R is an infinite dimensional vector space over Q,
quotient by Q will minus one dimension,
thus, the dimension of R/Q is equal
the dimension of R,
which verify that R is isomorphic to R/Q.
As CĆ is isomorphic to R+ĆāāT,
which R+Ćā is the multiplicative group of positive real numbers.
And R+Ćā is isomorphic to R,
by the natural logarithm map.
Thus, CĆā RāT,
and t(CĆ)=Q/Z.
Also (CĆ)/t(CĆ)ā Rā((R/Z)/(R/Z)).
By above discussion,
we already now that (R/Z)/(R/Z)ā R,
thus, (CĆ)/t(CĆ)ā RāR.
It is obvious that RāR is then a
vector space over Q,
and the dimension of it is equal to square of the dimension of R.
By the cardinal number arithmetic,
square of infinite cardinal number is still the same as the original infinite cardinal number.
Thus, we have RāRā R.
Then by previous result,
we have R/Zā CĆ.ā